well it was 100 here today but is suppose to cool down to high 90's this week . . . where the hay is summer? Normally we're seeing 110 F this time of year
It is 102 at Lake Havasu. I'm not complaining much, but it sounds like the motor on my air conditioning is about to croak, so my wallet might be quite a bit thinner by the time this summer is done.
There is a difference. In PA it could be 105 with 98% humidity. No nice but the heat alone was horrible. Maybe once in 5 years OR might brush 105 but only when the jet stream pushes Nevada/Utah hot air North.
I remember watching Death Valley Days and thinking the people were crazy.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
It is 102 at Lake Havasu. I'm not complaining much, but it sounds like the motor on my air conditioning is about to croak, so my wallet might be quite a bit thinner by the time this summer is done.
Heat is like anything else, when it's freezing outside it's just as miserable and dangerous as heat. We just learn to deal with it here like someone from Canada wouldn't go out at 30 below without preperations. If you're not prepared and respecting, you get frost bite, freeze and die, we go into heat stress here and then heat stroke and death, either way, dead is dead and miserable til you get there.
when I lived in cold country we did take precautions. I have the Triple Fat Goose down coat, thermals and wool sweaters so I can cope with 30 below. I choose not to. I've spent 25 years winterizing vehicles, shoveling out snowdrifts and thumbing my nose at winter.
why bother?
Here a hoodie sweatshirt is "rain gear", people wear shorts & sandals year round and crops & trees grow 12 months a year.
This holiday weekend gives a good example of Oregon outdoor recreation. The Cascades are dotted by state run campgrounds and the late Spring has the highest elevation spots still snow covered.
Coming down the McKenzie Pass into Eugene I noticed 5 or 6 different campgrounds spread out down the mountain at various elevations. To camp here one just checks the altitude where snow begins. Too warm, go higher etc.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
how's those concrete pedestrain guards doing?
LET'S ALL move to Oregon then . . .
They're fine but the Mayflower descendants are probably still dreaming of priapic pokers. Pushing 70 today and tomorrow will be a full day of sunshine.
you've already missed the cherry blossoms.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
Ha ha, in all seriousness, Oregon is a beautiful state, was there about 6 mos and washington state, (beautiful too) about a yr. Both places were having an unusal "heat wave" (early 80's). Then Mnt st. Helans took a dump.
Everybody was running around half naked complaining about the heat and I was still in thermos and coat, shivering away. Couldn't wait to get out of there because of it. 70 is TOO DANG COLD!!!! That's WINTER temps!
Yes I did break it, and now its taped to the finger beside it.
I caught it in a pipe that fell off the trailer.
The whole stack unloaded itself, but not in a planned way.
Glad me and my employee had on steel toed boots, as we got it on our feet to.
We do NOT need to raise taxes on the people. The government needs to spend less is the answer.