bender, if I could give you plus fifty kudos for that tattoo, I would.
Thank you sir. I had him do gray first, then go over with color. I am not a color tattoo fan so I wanted it slight, but I also needed to have the red, "white" and blue. It hurt like a mother to have the color laid down on top of the fresh gray, but it was worth it.
My second one was on my left pectoral, with a lot of fill-in black, and oh mannnn did that hurt like a mofo. I'll never get another one on my chest again, that's for sure!
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!
My shifts when I was at nuke school rotated every week. 0600 to 1800 for a week then 1 day off 1400 to 0200 then 2 days off then 1800 to 0600 then 3 days off, then 0000 to 1200 and four days off, then do it over again. Then I went to the boat and switched to 18 hour days, 6 on 12 off, rotating again, I wonder why I cant sleep right.
the sp's on base here (keep in mind they arent deployed) are working panama 16's. 16hour shifts for 3 days straight. its no wonder those guys finish their first enlistment then bounce...
"the path of greatest resistance reaps the greatest rewards"
Yeah. I hope I'm not like that when I get out. I've got until 2013, though - so a few more years of weirdness. Oh and BTW, pretty sure we're all having a little kudo-fest here tonight.
Discover Scentsy at Lucky Lucy Scentsy Products - an independent Scentsy consultant!