My CB radio in my ranger is picking up a lot of interference/noise from the fuel pump running. I've routed the antenna cable as far from the fuel tank as possible and it didnt make any difference. I know i've got a good clean ground at both ends of the cable.
What else can i do to reduce/eliminate the noise?
With the truck off it's as quiet as could be and i've got excellent range...
I am known by many names:
Otahyoni, Otah, Utah, Chris, Steve, Fred, The Amish Wolfman, and Mark's Little Buddy...
The following dialogue occurred with John, a JU member that I was exchanging on-line posts with while he was attempting to reduce the RF noise in his TJ when he was installing his CB radio. With his permission, I am including it here since I believe it is both valuable info and it gives others a glimpse at just what can be involved in trying to clean up a noisy RF environment in a vehicle.
American International's S-15A noise filter is designed to eliminate noise that comes in through your in-dash receiver's +12-volt power line. Installation is simple. You have three wires to connect: two go on the power line and the other goes to ground. Mounting hardware is included. Warranty: 1 year. [$12.99]
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
First off Chris, check to see that your power wire to the C.B. is not running close to any other wires as it will pick up any RF noise from them. Also check where your getting the power from (I.E. if you are tapped into the fuse box on another fuse), as that will also pick up RF noise. you should try and wire direct to the battery but run them away from any other wires that carry a fair size current. If you have done all this and still have the noise while its running you can get from a C.B. radio dealer a RF noise reduction filter tha goes on the main power line and that should hopefully elliminate it.
I hope this helps.
Here are a couple of pics to what some of the filters look like.
The second picture is a in line antenna that might help.
This unit will allow you to receive more signal while reducing noise brought in through the antenna. Easily installs in-line between radio and antenna. Reduces noise received at the input of the radio, improves dynamic range of a receiver and removes source noises which are radiated through the antenna.
1) Run your fused power wire straight to the battery, put the fuse as close to the battery as possible.
It wouldn't hurt to run the ground straight up as well. I use over sized high quality wire.
2) Only use high quality coax like Beldon RG58X which is 95% shielded, also make sure your antenna has a proper ground plane and is tuned with an SWR meter.