there is no question that UFO's exist, they are sighted ALL the time, there are plenty of sightings of flying objects that have not been identified (hence unidentified flying object - ufo)..... now aliens and alien spacecraft are a different question.....
First, I think it might be important for you to clarify if you are speaking of UFOs as aliens from another planet, speaking of UFOs as a secret project of the military/gov't, or both.
If you are speaking of aliens, I'm not thoroughly convinced either way of their existence. As for the government cover-up: what would it benefit for EVERY government on Earth to cover it up? Or are you proposing America is the only place to have alien visitation?
If you are talking about UFOs as a secret government project: TOTALLY possible, and if it did exist, I would fully expect their to be a cover-up - just like every other military project, no big deal.
Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (YouTube channel CANSWERSTV) is joined in studio by Steve Morrison, Ph.D, director of research for Christian Answers (Steve is the creator of our websites: BIBLEQUERY.ORG, HISTORYCART.COM & MUSLIMHOPE.COM) for an analysis of "Unidentified Flying Objects" (UFOs).
Studies have established that the majority of UFOs are observations of some real but conventional object—most commonly aircraft, balloons, noctilucent clouds, nacreous clouds, or astronomical objects such as meteors or bright planets -- that have been misidentified by the observer as anomalies, while a small percentage of reported UFOs are hoaxes. However, after excluding these incorrect reports, between 5% and 20% of the total remain unexplained, and so can be classified as unidentified in the strictest sense. Many such reports have been made by trained observers such as pilots, police and the military; some involve radar traces, so not all reports are visual. Proponents of the extraterrestrial hypothesis believe that these unidentified reports are of alien spacecraft, though various other hypotheses have been proposed.
While UFOs have been the subject of extensive investigation by various governments, and some scientists support the extraterrestrial hypothesis, few scientific papers about UFOs have been published in peer-reviewed journals. There has been some debate in the scientific community about whether any scientific investigation into UFO sightings is warranted.
UFOs have become a prominent theme in modern culture, and this cultural phenomenon has been the subject of academic research.
Due to the great volume of New Age & Occultic interaction with these so-called "aliens from space" such as spirit guides, the UFOnauts, the entities from Lemuria and Atlantis and from every other location from here to the mythical Clarion who give us new age "religious" messages these days it is easy to come to the conclusion that these "space aliens" are what the Bible describes as fallen angels (demonic spirits inhabiting the fourth dimension). These interdimensional beings have repackaged the same old lies they have been perpetrating against humanity from the time their leader, Satan himself, showed up in the Garden of Eden promising godhood to Adam and Eve in exchange for their disobedience to God. The Bible tells us that when he (the devil) was cast down out of heaven, he took with him one-third of the host of heaven (Revelation 12:4). These powerful beings "disguise themselves as servants of righteousness" the way "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14-15). They are in open rebellion against God and are trying to recruit as many people as they can in their uprising [read the entire 12th chapter of Revelation]. Through the years their message remains the same, but they change their methods, using powerful, lying signs and wonders to draw people away from God [see 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12]. They are from the realm of darkness and the occult. They have the power to interject into our minds evil thoughts. They have been linked to poltergeist activity, fairies, strange knocks in the night - the same things UFOs are linked to." Modern man refuses to believe that UFOs & UFO activity are related to the demonic because if he accepted that then he would also have to accept that the Bible is therefore true and the God of Scripture is real afterall.
Part 2 of a 2 part series.
For those desiring additional information on what the Bible teaches about demonology, please see the 6 hour video series entitled "Spiritual Warfare" with Christian author Dr. Thomas Ice & Larry Wessels, posted on YOUTUBE & GOOGLE VIDEO (type "LARRY WESSELS SPIRITUAL WARFARE" in their respective homepage search boxes).
Viewers are also invited to see our video entitled, "UFOs IN THE NEW AGE: EXTRATERRESTRIAL MESSAGES OR DOCTRINES OF FOURTH DIMENSION DEMONIC SPIRITS" posted here on YOUTUBE with special guest Bill Alnor, author & speaker.
In the fourteenth DVD of the UFO Hypotheses series, made in September 2009, but held for release until late summer 2011, you may enjoy a one-half hour stroll through an orchard with Alex Collier as he recalls specific details from several of his extra-terrestrial contact experiences, and then shares more of his views with Rick and Maritza Keefe about our current precarious times, from Collier's rare perspective.
UFO Hypotheses - Alex Collier Volume Four (1 of 4)
There are too many cave drawings and painting thousands of years old for there not to be something. The Discovery channel showed paintings dateing back several thousand years that showed objects that looked like rockets with flames trailing behind. There are also paintings that old that show creatures in suits that look like modern day space suits. I saw something that looked like a flying saucer about 30 years ago. What was it? I don't know.
UFOTV Presents...: UFOTV: What Is NASA Hiding? - Secret Space, UFOs and NASA
Uploaded by UFOTVstudios on Oct 24, 2010
Featuring extraordinary NASA digital video footage of authentic space-based UFOs and strange anomalies filmed during US Space Shuttle missions. See stunning evidence of UFOs in outer space, as well as unexplained anomalies in Earth orbit. Additionally, discover the details about NASA protocols designed to obscure observation and analysis of UFOs in space. Discover the shocking facts about UFO sightings in direct view of NASA Astronauts, obtained through a private independent study centered on monitoring and videotaping STRANGE activity seen from Space Shuttle cameras during orbital flights high above the Earth, and features the research of Jeff Challender.
As I have heard said it's pretty arrogant of us to believe we are the only "intelligent" life in all of space. And space is a verrrry big place.
Or, as Monty Python sings, "I hope there's intelligent life out there cause there's bugger all here on Earth".
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.