Hahaha, we used to watch those cartoons when we came home for lunch in elementary school.
We would rotate houses, so every day a different mom was feeding us lunch. It was usually fine dining. Grilled cheese, hot dogs, soups, sandwiches, milk and the like. The only constant was the cartoons we were watching on the black and white TV's.
As old as I am and I still love those old cartoons. Reminds me of the cartoons they played before watching a drive in movie!
I remember those. In fact I remember drive-ins. I also remember Davy Crocket, Roy Rogers, Sky King, Lassie, Rin Tin Tin and Topo Gego. Darn, we are old.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.