Tell The State Department: Reform Your New Passport Regulations
Where did your mother live when you were conceived? Are you circumcised? If the State Department has its way, certain passport applicants will be forced to answer these intrusive questions and dozens more.
Here's Consumer Traveler's summary of their proposal:
The proposed new Form DS-5513 asks for all addresses since birth; lifetime employment history including employers? and supervisors names, addresses, and telephone numbers; personal details of all siblings; mother?s address one year prior to your birth; any ?religious ceremony? around the time of birth; and a variety of other information. According to the proposed form, ?failure to provide the information requested may result in ? the denial of your U.S. passport application.?
Thankfully, the State Department is taking public comments on its proposal. Will you let them know that it's over the top and that they need to reform it?
PETITION TO ALEXYS GARCIA, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE: Your proposed passport questionnaire is an undue invasion of Americans' privacy. Most normal Americans have no idea where their mothers lived the year before they were born -- and whether or not somebody is circumcised is none of your business. Please reconsider and present a more reasonable alternative.
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I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
Blucher? Have you a link that takes folks to the complaint hotline? I never had a passport, and likely never will, but I'd sure sound off on this!
That link leads to a petition asking that they rethink this. I had one back when I thought I was going to become a Canadian. I think it cost me about $20. I'm a citizen over half a century and I couldn't give addresses for the town I lived in my first year nor the address where I lived next till age 13.
Between jobs and college and girlfriends I've lived a dozen places but lack the details required in the new form.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
I never had a need for a passport. I've only been to Mexico twice or so and that was a few miles south of the border. Have never wanted to become a Canadian or go there either, too friggin COLD. Never think I'll go south of the border again, expecially with AZ plates. But after reading this . . I REALLY don't want to now. What a MESS. I'll stay here in AZ.