America was stated in the beginning as LAND OF THE FREE yet such statement didn't merit very much when those stating such had Slaves and were hostile to Women having votes yet loved to see bare chested Females despite their beliefs.
Other Countries have no problem with Females baring their chests yet in this twisted society of supposedly FREE America, such is seen as pornographic and somehow offensive.
Some cultures, like in AFRICA for example and as seen on programs like National Geographic, know not such classification.
Religion has been and will continue to be a promoter of censorship for whatever reason/purpose they deem yet looking not within their ranks at all their pervaded evil although
this isn't a thread on religion and I wasn't the first to mention it.
Pronography begets pornography where Art begets Art!!
Looking into City Laws from older times, one finds MANY unusual Laws such as:
No eating of Ice Cream on Sundays.
Women have the right to bare chests (except probably on any Sunday).
Men cannot wear short pants (and MANY men need not).
No drinking alcohol in public except at such events where it is sold/allowed.
Then we have the Itty Bitty Bikini group......end of line