Originally Posted by YelloJeep
I was just joking, I knew what you were talking about...
I know, I just wanted to be a bit more specific in what i was looking to discuss.
I'm willing to hear both sides of any topic of discussion, I am a believer that we are not the only intelligent life in our universe. Statistically I find it impossible to think we are. IF we are, then we sure don't behave like it. Our society sure can be self-centered and ignorant to the "bigger picture".
I doubt we are on this planet to destroy it and each other.
If those "UFO's" are from other races, I don't feel there is a whole lot to worry about regarding them. If they wanted to invade and take over, they would have and would not be concerned with the impact their presence would make on our society.
Very interesting! Have you seen or experienced anything similar since?
If it is all just secret military craft, then WOW! When did we leap forward so quickly in science and physics?