2008 - sucked - 5 months of fear followed by a layoff
2009 - sucked - short term contracting jobs
lots of job hunting
living with the mom-in-law
landed a job
rented at the most professional looking apt complex in town
2010 - sucked - job is in boring, bug, & snake infested city
job provides no raises for any workers
constant battle against bugs
neighbors are noisy
nerves are shot
2011 - starting out to suck, but there is hope
job pledges no raises for any workers again
neighbors are worse
nerves are shot
...but there a job leads on the horizon.
My resolution - To End the Behind The Music Years!
To Get A Better Job
To Get A Better Home
To Get A Better City
To Replace A Few Worn Out Things (Car, Computer, etc.)
We have a plan in place. We ARE going to recover economically!
How You Can Accomplish Your New Years Resolutions