Got the Jeep, got the gun inside it too. No CCW required.
The Gun is for coyotes and groundhogs.
(there is an exception in the orc about it. Read up you will find it.)
Got the Jeep, got the gun inside it too. No CCW required.
The Gun is for coyotes and groundhogs.
(there is an exception in the orc about it. Read up you will find it.)
The coyote and groundhog exemptions I've found are as follows:
Originally Posted by 2923.16
(A) No person shall knowingly discharge a firearm while in or on a motor vehicle.
Originally Posted by 2923.16
(F)(2) Division (A) of this section does not apply to a person if all of the following circumstances apply:
(a) The person discharges a firearm from a motor vehicle at a coyote or groundhog, the discharge is not during the deer gun hunting season as set by the chief of the division of wildlife of the department of natural resources, and the discharge at the coyote or groundhog, but for the operation of this section, is lawful.
(b) The motor vehicle from which the person discharges the firearm is on real property that is located in an unincorporated area of a township and that either is zoned for agriculture or is used for agriculture.
(c) The person owns the real property described in division (F)(2)(b) of this section, is the spouse or a child of another person who owns that real property, is a tenant of another person who owns that real property, or is the spouse or a child of a tenant of another person who owns that real property.
(d) The person does not discharge the firearm in any of the following manners:
(i) While under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse, or alcohol and a drug of abuse;
(ii) In the direction of a street, highway, or other public or private property used by the public for vehicular traffic or parking;
(iii) At or into an occupied structure that is a permanent or temporary habitation;
(iv) In the commission of any violation of law, including, but not limited to, a felony that includes, as an essential element, purposely or knowingly causing or attempting to cause the death of or physical harm to another and that was committed by discharging a firearm from a motor vehicle.
So, the coyote and groundhog exemptions apply as long as you are on your own farm, and as long as your farm is in the country. The second you leave that farm in your Jeep, one of these other sections apply:
Originally Posted by 2923.16
(B) No person shall knowingly transport or have a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle in such a manner that the firearm is accessible to the operator or any passenger without leaving the vehicle.
Originally Posted by 2923.16
(C) No person shall knowingly transport or have a firearm in a motor vehicle, unless the person may lawfully possess that firearm under applicable law of this state or the United States, the firearm is unloaded, and the firearm is carried in one of the following ways:
(1) In a closed package, box, or case;
(2) In a compartment that can be reached only by leaving the vehicle;
(3) In plain sight and secured in a rack or holder made for the purpose;
(4) If the firearm is at least twenty-four inches in overall length as measured from the muzzle to the part of the stock furthest from the muzzle and if the barrel is at least eighteen inches in length, either in plain sight with the action open or the weapon stripped, or, if the firearm is of a type on which the action will not stay open or which cannot easily be stripped, in plain sight.
Please note that the ORC does NOT use the conventional definitions of loaded and unloaded. Convention says that a gun is loaded when the cartridges are removed from it.
The term "Unloaded" has a specific meaning within the ORC:
Originally Posted by 2923.16
(5)?Unloaded? means any of the following:
(a) No ammunition is in the firearm in question, and no ammunition is loaded into a magazine or speed loader that may be used with the firearm in question and that is located anywhere within the vehicle in question, without regard to where ammunition otherwise is located within the vehicle in question. For the purposes of division (K)(5)(a) of this section, ammunition held in stripper-clips or in en-bloc clips is not considered ammunition that is loaded into a magazine or speed loader.
According to the ORC, if you have a loaded magazine for your firearm anywhere on the vehicle, your firearm is considered "loaded".
So no, to transport an *unloaded* weapon, you don't need a CCW. For a civilian to transport a weapon in a vehicle in any condition where it would be useful (loaded and readily accessible to the driver or passenger) requires a recognized CCW permit.
Caveat: I am not a lawyer. This is a layman's interpretation of the law.
We work together every damn day. --Jon Stewart
Carrying Concealed Weapon. Or, Concealed Carry of Weapon. Or some combination of some conjugation of "Conceal", "Carry" and "Weapon"... Which is kinda dumb for several reasons:
1. The "CCW" license is labeled "Ohio License to Carry a Concealed Handgun" and is known as a CHL.
2. The "CCW" license applies to any otherwise legal firearm, not just handguns. You can carry an AR15 under a trenchcoat, no problem, even though it's not a "handgun". (So, CFL would be more appropriate)
3. The "CCW" license doesn't cover weapons in general, only firearms. (CCF would be more accurate) Non-firearm weapons laws in Ohio are left to the discretion of local government. So, while you can walk around with 30 guns on your person and in your bags nearly anywhere in the state, you can be arrested in several locations if you have a folding pocket knife with a 3" blade.
But, when you say CCW to an Ohio gun nut, they know what you're talking about.
Edit: Hmmm... Seems I responded to a page 1 comment made in October... Oops...
We work together every damn day. --Jon Stewart
I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler, and I've taken the CCW class, still have to submit the paperwork for the permit. I delayed as I didn't care for it being tied to my vehicle licenses, but I do understand the reason why. I hope to have the permit by next month.
I have a 2000 Jeep Wrangler, and I've taken the CCW class, still have to submit the paperwork for the permit. I delayed as I didn't care for it being tied to my vehicle licenses, but I do understand the reason why. I hope to have the permit by next month.
What do you mean, "tied to your vehicle licenses"? Are you referring to the requirement that you carry a government-issued photo ID in addition to the CHL when carrying concealed? There are other forms of government-issued photo ID you can carry. As far as I know, you need not provide a driver's license if you can provide other, valid forms of identification.
Or are you referring to the fact that when a cop runs your plates, he will know you have a CHL? If you're that concerned about it, you CAN have license plates registered in someone else's name - even if your name is on the title.
In my experience, cops act much less condescendingly, much less aggressively when they know I have a CHL.
We work together every damn day. --Jon Stewart
I have mine also, I went to get mine after i got out of the marines and found out I didnt even have to take the test, all I had to do was pay 68 buck and it was mine. It is a must with long motorcycle trips
Got the 78 CJ5, but no CCW. I do have a question about the transporting weapons thing though. So since I have a CJ, with obviously no trunk (would also be fitting with any SUV) how are you to transport a firearm? It is supposed to be inaccessible without getting out of the vehicle, but with a '5, I can almost reach anything from the driver's seat. I was always taught to pull the clip, leave the bolt open, and put the ammunition at opposite parts of the vehicle. Never knew you couldn't have a loaded magazine in the vehicle even if it wasn't in the rifle.