+1 on Holy Jim's - went there with a bunch of guys last year after some rain - I thought we were going to clog the car wash drains when we got back!!!!
Yeah Holy Jim is legit, my parents live about 5 minutes away. A buddy and I took his moms Lexus car up there one hahaha. You can also do some fishing up there in that little stream, they stock it during the winter.
HJ was freaking awesome after this past huge storm, before they graded it. 3 foot ledges, mass rocks, and huge washouts. It turned that measily little Holy Jim trail, into an intermediate 4x4 run. Then the city ruined it... But now people can get back there to hike again, so I guess its a good thing. I'll stick to Calico, and Bear/JV.
Can you still go up Santiago when the gate is open?
Yup, you can call the forest ranger post in silverado ahead of time to make sure too. They close it when theyre doing maintenance and when the weathers bad.
Originally Posted by Peacefrog53
HJ was freaking awesome after this past huge storm, before they graded it. 3 foot ledges, mass rocks, and huge washouts. It turned that measily little Holy Jim trail, into an intermediate 4x4 run. Then the city ruined it... But now people can get back there to hike again, so I guess its a good thing. I'll stick to Calico, and Bear/JV.
Tell me about it! The last storm changed A LOT. It was fun, but yeah they graded most of it.