Back before they were an incorporated city, the Sheriffs would patrol it, with Irvine Company private security. Back when Jeffery Rd had two tempo bridges placed there by the Marine Corps. When there were bean fields between the 405 and the 5. When you used to be able to drive to the top of Turtle Rock.
I went to Uni on the 3rd year of it's existence. And was nowhere like it is now. There was no fence there, and we used to have an open campus rule. We'd take off and go to Carl's Jr for lunch.
Anyone here from there and think on OCIR still there, and stopping at the General Store across the street for a Coke? Charlies Chili?
We used to ride bikes up jamboree, then hop a fence and ride up "signal hill.". I went off to college and now pelican hills has a condo right where I was once chased by an irvine company cow!
LOL. If I remember right, when they built the Amphitheater, part of the park was still open. I think that LCS was just not bringing in alot of business to pay for the park. That was back when it was still expanding. We used to get howled at by the Marines driving between MCAS El Toro and the Helicopter base where the blimps used to be. Back when I was a 16 year old hanging out with my friends. Before Woodbridge was even built. We used to go cow tipping on Ridgeline and University where the bible college is now. Geez, them Irvine Co Cows were a dangerous lot. ha ha I haven't been back there for close to 20 years now. My Mum and Da divorced and moved to separate areas. My Mum now lives in San Bernardino Hills, and my Da passed away now.
Back when the college guys would chase us around until we told them we were in High School....and they still chased us around. Jail bait. LOL. Now my youngest is turning 13. Oh geez.......Man....some good times back then......
I remember that drag strip down there where you could run what you brung every Wednesday night. Back int he day we would go down there and Terry Vance from Vance and Hines with be testing his top fuel drag bike. That was pretty cool.
I remember that drag strip down there where you could run what you brung every Wednesday night. Back int he day we would go down there and Terry Vance from Vance and Hines with be testing his top fuel drag bike. That was pretty cool.
OCIR (Orange County International Raceway) I used to run my old VW squareback against Gene Burg at the "Bug in".