Originally Posted by RedJeepXJ
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross"
to the OP you listed few religious morals, but the statistics say otherwise, adjsuted for population there are more christians in jail then atheists, education and income DECREASE the more a population believes in god.
yes we need to teach kids to take responsibility for their own actions and not just tell them god has everything decided for them or will jump in to save them.
If you went to a Muslim country wonder what population in their jails would be Muslims.
Now apply that to any country where the population is one way or the other and I bet you get the same statistics.
I think the majority of inmates are also Black, are you saying they?re more wicked then other races?
Population Income & Education decreases with the spread of Religion?
AHAHAHA Okay you posted that so it must be true??I suppose by education you mean the people who believe Gay lifestyle has no value and aren?t educated enough to know they?re wrong? LOL
Now I purpose there is a decrease of morals & values in society the more religion is removed from our conciseness. No penalty equals No guilt.
So you are going to teach children responsibility & respect without any sort of punishment? Yeah that?ll work out great see Africa.
I don?t think ?because it?s the right thing to do? carries any weight with anyone other than a PC crowd and we all know they are the source of many problems.
Now ?doing right because it pleases your father here on earth and your father in heaven? is words with substantial substance