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Old 09-14-2010, 11:00 AM  
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Bristol, Tennessee
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"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross"

to the OP you listed few religious morals, but the statistics say otherwise, adjsuted for population there are more christians in jail then atheists, education and income DECREASE the more a population believes in god.

yes we need to teach kids to take responsibility for their own actions and not just tell them god has everything decided for them or will jump in to save them.

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Old 09-14-2010, 12:15 PM  

Nashville, Tennessee
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Originally Posted by RedJeepXJ View Post
"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross"
to the OP you listed few religious morals, but the statistics say otherwise, adjsuted for population there are more christians in jail then atheists, education and income DECREASE the more a population believes in god.
yes we need to teach kids to take responsibility for their own actions and not just tell them god has everything decided for them or will jump in to save them.
If you went to a Muslim country wonder what population in their jails would be Muslims.
Now apply that to any country where the population is one way or the other and I bet you get the same statistics.
I think the majority of inmates are also Black, are you saying they?re more wicked then other races?
Population Income & Education decreases with the spread of Religion?
AHAHAHA Okay you posted that so it must be true??I suppose by education you mean the people who believe Gay lifestyle has no value and aren?t educated enough to know they?re wrong? LOL

Now I purpose there is a decrease of morals & values in society the more religion is removed from our conciseness. No penalty equals No guilt.

So you are going to teach children responsibility & respect without any sort of punishment? Yeah that?ll work out great see Africa.
I don?t think ?because it?s the right thing to do? carries any weight with anyone other than a PC crowd and we all know they are the source of many problems.
Now ?doing right because it pleases your father here on earth and your father in heaven? is words with substantial substance

Undermining traditional religious morality and belief is THE KEY to making the new world order happen.
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Old 09-14-2010, 02:00 PM  
southern conservative

Austin, Texas
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LMAO, and I was just going to reply that the reason there are so many christians in jail is because they need an excuse to get out of their cells so they go to church!

That statistic is BS. You can make numbers say what ever you want them to.

With that same statistic I could also argue that most of the people that are in prison have found that they were sinners and learnt they needed a better life and have now found God.
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Old 10-23-2010, 09:12 PM  
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It's typical of people to turn to god or drugs in a stressful situation. And I think prison counts as a stressful situation and if they can't get any drugs or alcohol, then trying to score brownie points for the afterlife probably sounds like a good idea.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason."
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Old 10-25-2010, 12:01 PM  
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Originally Posted by addie View Post
It's typical of people to turn to god or drugs in a stressful situation. And I think prison counts as a stressful situation and if they can't get any drugs or alcohol, then trying to score brownie points for the afterlife probably sounds like a good idea.
I think this is where the value of religion lies. If it keeps bad people from doing bad, and helps to redeem their consciousness from whatever bad thing they've done, then it's a positive.

Also, the majority in America claim Christian affiliation, and being an Atheist will get you shunned by friends and neighbors, so I don't find it even the least bit surprising that the majority of the incarcerated are Christians.
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Old 10-25-2010, 07:09 PM  
southern conservative

Austin, Texas
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Originally Posted by Funetical View Post
I think this is where the value of religion lies. If it keeps bad people from doing bad, and helps to redeem their consciousness from whatever bad thing they've done, then it's a positive.

Also, the majority in America claim Christian affiliation, and being an Atheist will get you shunned by friends and neighbors, so I don't find it even the least bit surprising that the majority of the incarcerated are Christians.
True christians wont care if you are an atheist. They will try to talk to you about it, but the will not turn their back to you because of it. I personally find you quit intriguing. You sound like a person the would be cool to sit down and have a conversation over a cold one. There are a lot of people that CALL themselves christians, but when Jesus does return there will be a LOT of shocked people in this world. And I can't wait....
The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
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Old 10-26-2010, 03:06 PM  
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Originally Posted by 78BO View Post
True christians wont care if you are an atheist. They will try to talk to you about it, but the will not turn their back to you because of it. I personally find you quit intriguing. You sound like a person the would be cool to sit down and have a conversation over a cold one. There are a lot of people that CALL themselves christians, but when Jesus does return there will be a LOT of shocked people in this world. And I can't wait....
Thank you, I have enjoyed our conversations as well. I don't care if people are Christian, and I don't look down my nose at you, your expression of you existence as you rationalize it is as valid as mine at face value.

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