Surely. Kerrville is, great. So's Bandera and Boerne. While in Bandera one time I asked if I could park an R.V. there, on the Medina River in the R.V.park. Right downtown there.
Except, she said, during a torrential rainstorm when they could not guarantee the existence of any R.V. left there. One time came a gulley washer to Bandera and she said and so every last R.V. parked there at the Pioneer River Resort was- never to be seen again. Right there on Maple street just a couple of hundred yards from the downtown Bandera strip.
All the R.V.'s were just washed right away. The lady also replied that she would call me before an impending storm if I did indeed park an R.V. there, in her park. So's I could remove it ahead of time. Before the storm arrival.
The place was nice enough but a liability exists there, too. The R.V. park is located right next to the River- on the Medina River bottom.
San Antonio is infinitely better than Kerrville, who are you trying to fool??