San Antonio is a fantastic place. Especially if you like to EAT. Man! I've gained so much weight since moving here two years ago!
Living in VA, we liked to eat at places we considered "Mexican Restaurants". Ha! Man, what a wake up call when we moved here! Our favorite places are usually little hole-in-the-wall places. They always seem to have the best specialty dishes, and the "heat" is exactly to my liking.
There is a lot to do here too! I live very close to Sea World. We have Riverwalk and many other shopping malls. Tubing on a few local rivers is a short drive, as well as Schitterbahn Water Park.
Headed up towards Austin, we also have Natural Bridge Caverns and a drive through Zoo.
Plenty of other stuff to talk about in San Antonio and the surrounding area... but my wife just shouted that supper was ready, so I'll continue this later.
All the best,