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Old 01-11-2006, 03:52 PM  

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Bum's Billiards

Hi, I'm the manager at Bum's and I would like to invite any 78666 members out to my place... since ive taken it over a year ago ive tried to eliminate unsavory characters and strived to make major improvements... please stop by and ask for Josh and ill take care of you.
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Old 01-12-2006, 04:17 PM  
former customer

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reply to josh

:lol: you must be joking,do you call being rude making major improvements.youve ran off your clienteleand have no one to blame but yourself,jerk.[quote][/qu

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Old 01-13-2006, 03:02 AM  

Posts: n/a | Kudos: +
You think your **** is worth gold there. Come off your high horse. It's a dive so charge like a dive. Play some good music to for once. Cheap ass place with expense pool.
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:08 AM  

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... do you really understand what is going on?

:? clearly i did what was needed, people such as yourselves that hate life and what not are not wanted customers, i truly do believe in the golden rule-- if you're cool, im cool. there are things that you dont understand however, and i wouldnt expect you to-- as they are behind the scenes type things... but you should consider a few of the following things:

as far as prices-- did you know that the prices of beer and liquor continue to rise, as so with taxes, rent, electric, etc?

as far as 'dive': nearly everything in the bar has been replaced, all electric, refrigeration, etc...only so much can be fixed in a year and it isnt cheap...and ive been to the other pool halls and bars in town...if we are a dive, then the majority of bars in san marcos must be dives.

as far as clientele: youre right, i have run off a lot of people, but they were people that took advantage of the bar in some way, or were simply not the kind of people that were good for the bar's image.
did you know our fight record might now be the best in town-- coming from the worst? did you ever stop to consider that the bar is much safer now? much more friendly now?

as far as my 'attitude' : naturally, not everyone will agree with the new policy...but normally those are the folks that just gotta go. you simply cant please everyone, act like a jerk in the bar-- get treated like one, to me or to any employee-- no one deserves it. act like a decent person, we treat you like family, and thats a fact.

did you know that the laws concerning alcohol service have changed?

im sorry if you feel that way, in fact, please come back and let me prove that we want you there, that is, as long as you werent thrown out for being beligerent or fighting.

most regulars understand and agree with what has happened in the past year: the bar is safer, the bar has less drunken idiots, the bar is cleaner, the bar has many updates and improvements, the bar has new, fresh faces that are friendly and that will constitute a new, positive regular's crowd.

as for those who have not been into the bar, i sincerely invite you to come make self-judgment... we dont have any highh and mighty attitude, we simply expect what others expect from us when we enter thier establishments-- to act civil, to understand that-- just because its a bar, one just cant do as one pleases.

if you cant respect the fact that all we are trying to do is improve the bar-- then i dont know why you would even waste your time hating. its just that simple, ive spent the last year cleaning up a rough bar-- if you havent been in in a while-- you might appreciate what its like now. making those changes has not been easy, i didnt have to take on the challenge, i could have stuck with status qou and made more money-- but money isnt everything, and believe it or not, i care greatly for my staff and valued customers.
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:26 PM  

Posts: n/a | Kudos: +
Sorry jbgb I apoligize. I thought you were from Cat's Billards.

Bum's Billards is an alright place. Check it out everyone!
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Old 01-26-2006, 02:36 PM  

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Re: Bum's Billiards

Originally Posted by jbgb
Hi, I'm the manager at Bum's and I would like to invite any 78666 members out to my place... since ive taken it over a year ago ive tried to eliminate unsavory characters and strived to make major improvements... please stop by and ask for Josh and ill take care of you.
You lost me to Gold Crown some time back but they have gone completely down the tubes. I'm a pool player, not a barfly, so I'll be back if you've addressed some or all of these:

- Parking there was an utter disgrace
- Most tables weren't leveled regularly if ever
- A lot of the tables had crappy or outright damaged felt, and it didn't look like they were brushed/repaired/replaced often enough.
- I think the mens urinals could've used some dividers - nobody likes a horse trough unless you're at a ball game.

Look forward to your response Josh.
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Old 01-26-2006, 05:21 PM  

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i drive a van and it's too hard to manuever around that tiny lot...too afraid of getting towed parking anywhere else...

and anyways, there were so many scary people hanging around, i left after a few minutes...
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Old 01-27-2006, 01:14 PM  

Posts: n/a | Kudos: +
addressing your concerns...

thank you for posting and taking a moment to post your own message. i will try to address a few issues as best i can:

:lol: parking has always been an issue, everything possible has been tried to ease it-- however, we are stuck wih only our lot; however, you may park on the street behind the bar, the house behind us next to the canal is ours-- so you can walk up fence-- this way your car will never get trapped in on a busy night. also, i think parking is a perspective thing-- that is-- you are more likely to park farther away at wal-mart or target-- it just seems farther at bums b/c you have to traverse other lots, etc.

tables: tables are due for new felt once again, that should happen soon, or completely new tables will be put in-- certainly this willl happen realtively soon-- unfortunatley we have had to reinvest over 80k back into the bar in the last 6 months for electrical, structural, needs. i will admit though, that we tend not to cater to the serious pool players, i would like to set up 1 or 2 tables just for them to play on with some bleacher types seating.

we have divider in the urinals-- not sure if youre mistaking us for another bar...

as far a scary people.... please read the above postings... these are the types i have been trying to get rid of; however, a pool hall ia a pool hall..lol, and only a slick willies ( with slick willies prices) will have a 'family' atomospere here i suppose, but again, i really am trying to clean it up. i fyou havent been in in a while, please stop by.

i appreciate your postings and will keep them in mind. thank you again.
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Old 01-27-2006, 03:24 PM  

Posts: n/a | Kudos: +
Re: addressing your concerns...

Originally Posted by jbgb
thank you for posting and taking a moment to post your own message. i will try to address a few issues as best i can:


i appreciate your postings and will keep them in mind. thank you again.
Okay, so you're telling me then that nothing has changed (and that I have a crap memory, which I'll give you Re: the restrooms)

Thanks... I think

Pool players don't want bleacher seats - just get the tables leveled once in a while, and brush the felt regularly (that will keep you from having to replace it as often.) This will cost you virtually nothing to do.

BTW, when walking in to Target/Wal-mart from my car I've never had to dodge a train or a drunk driver.

Drop a post here when the tables are fixed, and me & my pool buds will give you guys another shot.
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Old 02-02-2006, 03:27 PM  

Posts: n/a | Kudos: +

:lol: i hear what you're saying \about dodging trucks etc, but i would argue the wal mart parking lot is quite dangerous indeed.

i will contact you when we get the new felt and tables, currently we just installed 2 wide jumbo screens in the front and will upgreade 9 additional 32" screens, 1 36" screen and possibly 1 wide flat tube within the next week or so.

thanks again for posting. JB
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