regarding the yard signs issue: I respect different ways of dealing with conflict - some people just don?t make conflict ?others engage the other person - just sharing my field report ? and respect any cooperative way of dealing with difference -- everyone is entitled to their opinion on how they respond ? and I am not elaborating on the circumstances
my numbers are not overstated - not saying everyone will make $20.000 a day obviously, but am saying that I do know oodles of people with (0) experience in acting who have rec?d up to $37,000 for a one scene shoot
and $75 to $100 to $150 per day, sometimes cash that day - plus meals and camera time is better than no job ? and it is awesome to make your own schedule FOR MONTHS ON A PRODUCTION and when production crews will keep returning and that will be steady acting work such as what is happening in Austin ? some shoots are 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours tops ? so your stats are off when you configure per diem ? and you don?t include meals and car pay increases
sometimes you get picked out of the blue on set for a speaking part -- or get called out of the blue from a headshot -- or in another particular case - a speaking part for Alamo while waiting on a table getting cast for a speaking role for $37,000 in one day ? if your friends are working in the feature film industry they will concur with my stats
clearly there are full time opportunities for set construction work and production assistants for student interns as well as wardrobe, hair and makeup
and significant economic results for businesses and hotels here in town
and part time and full time work for students and residents in various capacities ? and when my plan takes off we will have the work here continually
this is just one of my plans and at least I present one ? not having been in office for three years ? being a public policy researcher I have many ideas ? my opponent has had THREE YEARS to attract industry and I have not heard him give ONE example in any of our debates OF ANY JOBS he has created
p.s. my film is an instructional documentary on teaching others how to get involved in the political process
and you ignore the fact that the time frame is immediate in terms of the pay off AND my plan costs the tax payers ZERO in investment in infrastructure or giving abatements
The film industry and eco-tourism are great things and should be developed, but they are not something to rely on, especially when there's the 800 lb gorilla 30 minutes up the road, and the economy appears to be tanking. I think your views about what is realistic show how little you've thought this through.
consider that the film industry EMPIRICALLY THRIVES in hard times
and it is the film industry that has been employing out of work people in the tech industry in Austin - i have lived it - so yes, i have thought it through
at least i have thought thru a policy
i encourage you to do some research to see the issue fully
$75 to $100 to $150 per day, sometimes cash that day - plus meals and camera time is better than no job
We already have plenty of JOBS and they are all better than no jobs. If that is the best you can offer, no thanks. We need careers and $75 per day is not a career, even if you work 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year. That's $19,000 per year, IF you work all year, which you won't.
$150 per day? Still not enough money. I'm paying interns $176 per day right now. Hotel jobs? Is that what you think college grads are looking for?
How many speaking parts do you think there are in a movie? How many random people off the street, with no manager and no connections, do you think get speaking parts?
Honestly, this is stupid. You can't seriously think there are careers here. I think you're just hoping that if the films come here, YOU will be discovered.
LMC , by your posts it sounds like your getting a little desperate.... and that worries me.... leaning towards Chris because of it. Esp the thing about the yard signs... That is so beyond my thinking. If you put a sign in my yard without my permission it would be removed and phone calls would be made.
If those peolple want their sign removed just have them call Chris at 512-618-0982 and Im sure he will or have someone remove it. And just FYI, I got Chris's phone number off of the City's website. I remember him saying that his number was posted there at the CONA debate.
__________________ I Never Give Them Hell... I Just Tell The Truth And They Think Its Hell...
I know there are people people making a living working in the film industry in Austin. I know some of them. It's not going to drive the economic development of San Marcos. It's an add on, not a major factor.
What is the rest of your plan? So far I've only heard you talk about two things. Well 1.5. Film and eco-tourism. Again, fine things and I support them, but where is the rest? How are you going to get things going faster than anyone else?
Lots of criticism and talking about voting for Jones because her plan is so left field but what does Jones offer for a plan to boost the economy and what has he done so far?
Well, he's been working on the Sagewood issue, including going door to door with a bunch of neighbors and other city folks, including Narvaiz and Newman, some students, some police, etc, to try to proactively address the issue, rather than wait for problems to get out of control again.
He's also been pushing the single-stream recycling.
As for jobs, we haven't gotten the right jobs yet, but at least he sees that. He's worked unsuccessfully to attract the right company to San Marcos. I'd argue that he (and the rest of council) should be doing more to get existing large employers to expand (or at least ensure that they stay in town).
Still, I'd rather have someone unsuccessfully working toward bringing careers to San Marcos, than someone trying to bring Hollywood day labor to San Marcos. Those jobs are not going to get more students to stay here after graduation. Half of the problems we have in this city would improve significantly, if the students saw San Marcos as more than a 4-year stop off, before their adult lives begin. If they saw a future for themselves here, a lot of tensions would ease.
Those jobs are not going to lift anyone out of poverty. Those jobs are not going to eliminate the need for people like me to either commute 30-60 minutes each way, or move out of San Marcos. Those jobs are not going to bring prosperity to the people of San Marcos.
The idea that *none* of the people getting the $25,000 per day speaking parts have any representation is preposterous and again, how many of these parts are there?
Office Space credits list a cast of 34 people. You can be certain that, at a MINIMUM, Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, David Herman, Ajay Naidu, Diedrich Baider, Stephen Root, Gary Cole, John McGinley, Paul Wilson, Greg Pitts and Orlando Jones had agents and were not just pulled off the street. And one of the cast members was Mike Judge. So, that leaves 22 possible high dollar roles for random San Martians.
I'm looking for CAREERS for thousands of people in San Marcos who are either commuting, moving, or making due with JOBS. A handful of movies that MIGHT shoot in San Marcos and MIGHT employ a couple dozen locals at a livable wage (of course, they'd have to each get a couple of those roles, to really make a good living) is NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Setting aside my position that her film industry plan will do nothing to advance San Marcos, what exactly is it that leads anyone to believe she will be able to get any of her ideas pushed through? She can't act unilaterally and I can't see any indication that her ideas are in line with ANYONE else on council, or running for office. At least Jones has goals that are in line with mine and with the rest of council, as far as job creation goes.
LMC would only be a distraction and a disruptive element. Even less would get done than does now.