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Old 10-11-2008, 12:23 PM  
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Here You Go Again

semi-native, perhaps you should change your handle to fully-naive. Its people like you who probably still buy into the notion that the world is flat. You obviously have too much time on your hands because its my personal belief that you have verry little in your head. If you would like to meet in person over a cup of coffee, I would gladly extrapolate but of course I already know your answer because carbon beings like yourself are all talk! Have a great life!

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Old 10-11-2008, 05:45 PM  

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Instead of hiring consultants to “study” this proposal and that proposal {spending tax dollars in the process}, why don’t we look at the revenue generated after the World United Music Festival and Radio Conference hits town. Then, another aspect of my eco-tourism/cultural tourism plan will be crystal clear and empirically proven.

Lets stop wasting taxpayer money on travel expenditures. The materials can be obtained and we can eliminate tax dollars spent to go to programs and capital improvements here in San Marcos. Lets work on cutting waste in the city budget across the board especially with the national economy the way that it is right now.

As far as working with colleague council members, I am a consensus builder. And, have visited with a variety of elected officials and candidates in this race and throughout the years. I have extensive experience in team building and leadership -- training both students and corporations. One example is an electric utility corporation of which the rates are exceptionally reasonable .... right here in Texas. I am also a hard worker who is a product of this community and have been the top in my class representing our institution on a national level and passing that passion along to my students.

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Old 10-11-2008, 06:20 PM  

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Oh, and I CAN honestly say that I have created jobs for others in this community regarding the film industry. Just by helping others thru my established contacts. And, unfortunately they have to commute to Austin. I would say over 100 referrals of working set days in just the past year with reports of awesome income for a flexible schedule of continual work after the relationship is established. And, you are ignoring the quality of life issue balancing the reliance on outlet mall jobs vs. the green economy jobs of fostering an arts district in San Marcos.
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:24 PM  
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RE: Rico Statue

Austrian economic theory on your part?

Originally Posted by jeepster View Post
Isn't it amazing what republicans can achieve with a two term president. First reagan and now bush. Let's put them both on Mount Rushmore so we never forget. P.J.O'Rourke got them right when he said "the republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it" (from Holidays in Hell).
Why not let the free market work? Because they have privatized profits and socialized losses. Heads I win, tails you lose.

Everyone who ever voted for bush once should lose their voting rights for as long as it takes to straighten all this out.
Everyone who voted for him twice should should lose those rights forever as mentally incompetent.
Texans who voted for him three times should be branded with a little b or an L.
Texans who voted for him four times should be castrated or deported (their choice).
Those idiots who voted for him five times (only the Midland area) would only be subject to the last punishment because he lost that election.

So, what will local elected officials be able to do in the face of a national emergency? First, and worst, the illegals will have to go. Local jobs for locals. Tough, but illegal is illegal and more and more locals will need a job, any job. Next, cut the budget, no choice there. Then create volunteer work groups to build sidewalks where street widening is not necessary but sidewalks are (Chestnut St. hill is only 50 years past due). These same groups could transform unused city and temporarily donated private land into huge community gardens. There are plenty of hungry San Marcans now, just ask anyone at the food bank. There are still plenty of rich people around and companies that will do well in any economy, ask them to donate, sponsor, train, whatever. Give them lots of credit for their generosity. It's a form of advertising with the highest payback, community goodwill.
Branding, commuter rail and a bus system are a waste of money now. Things have changed, and so should our city council.
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:42 PM  
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smoke on the water

May God Bless Us All...God Knows Were Gonna Need It!
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Old 10-11-2008, 06:42 PM  

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Originally Posted by semi-native View Post

As for jobs, we haven't gotten the right jobs yet, but at least he sees that. He's worked unsuccessfully to attract the right company to San Marcos. I'd argue that he (and the rest of council) should be doing more to get existing large employers to expand (or at least ensure that they stay in town).
How do you suggest this semi-native? I am listening to what the council should do to keep these employers or allow them to expand? Who are these businesses? Why don't you share with us your ideas on this issue?
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Old 10-12-2008, 05:57 AM  

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Originally Posted by Immis View Post
LMC , by your posts it sounds like your getting a little desperate.... and that worries me.... leaning towards Chris because of it. Esp the thing about the yard signs... That is so beyond my thinking. If you put a sign in my yard without my permission it would be removed and phone calls would be made.
If those peolple want their sign removed just have them call Chris at 512-618-0982 and Im sure he will or have someone remove it. And just FYI, I got Chris's phone number off of the City's website. I remember him saying that his number was posted there at the CONA debate.

Well Immis you probably don't own a small business in this town. Or, perhaps you have never had an experience supporting a challenger candidate in this community.

Don't worry we are in communication with the Jones campaign. But, also be advised I am not breaking the confidence of the citizens in this town that trust me. This could have been avoided if people were asked if the signs could go up.

And, considering that the discussion threads on this board harrying me on the sign issue - my thread is a relevant response. Also, I think your post demonstrates your lack of understanding of other subtleties in this town and I’m not going to elaborate because you clearly are not open to dialogue because it is "so beyond your thinking." And, your post demonstrates your naivet? of how others are encouraged to stay apolitical.

Best of luck w/your candidate, an incumbent who has created (0) jobs in three years, provided no fresh perspective on municipal governance, has wasted your money going on trips for training and clearly does not have the job training front for our citizens thought through. Maybe you and your candidate should do a little research on the job training issue, as ACC is already here in San Marcos providing classes if you were at the CONA debate you will see my point.

Here is some helpful information which proves my point on creating jobs for students and quality internships
http://www.mlive.com/annarbornews/bu...r_um_film.html from today.
Timing's everything for Ann Arbor area film students - Chance to work locally good for Michigan, too
by Jordan Miller | The Ann Arbor News
Sunday October 12, 2008, 9:10 AM

The incumbent purports to be for open lines of communication and at the CONA debate said would be in favor of online involvement of citizens and interactions with City Council after a question was raised. Where is he here on this forum to enact that claim? Where has he been for the last three years with issues of technology? And, considering Mr. Jones is aware of these forms of communication to propel a political campaign {from his first campaign and well aware of this site}, I find it interesting he does not utilize this for citizen engagement and involvement.
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Old 10-12-2008, 07:23 AM  

Join Date: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by semi-native View Post
Office Space credits list a cast of 34 people. You can be certain that, at a MINIMUM, Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston, David Herman, Ajay Naidu, Diedrich Baider, Stephen Root, Gary Cole, John McGinley, Paul Wilson, Greg Pitts and Orlando Jones had agents and were not just pulled off the street. And one of the cast members was Mike Judge. So, that leaves 22 possible high dollar roles for random San Martians.
(1) The argument does not account for background cast (non credited), which would receive months of work as well as crew and student intern work.

(2) does not recognize the revenue generated for small business from production cast/crew “tourists” empirically proven with productions such as The Ringer.

(3) not acknowledge that my ideas are in line with the current model of promoting tourism that San Marcos has been working on for some time now. My plan is capturing a tourist market that is unique an innovative and has the full support at the state level of governance.

(4) Overlook free capital improvements to properties for use of on location shooting.

(5) And that this costs the taxpayers (0) dollars while generating FREE advertising and “tourist” revenue.

Last Mike Judge film I worked on – we had months of work for our own schedule to build. Then, there was a re-shoot and that was more work…months of it. You can see me and lots of other Texans in the film.

check out this link - it is from today
Ann Arbor area businesses get a boost from filmmakers
by Stefanie Murray and Jordan Miller | The Ann Arbor News and Dave Eggert | The Associated Press
Sunday October 12, 2008, 9:00 AM

and note the creation of jobs in a sinking economy and a boost for restaurants in their businesses
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Old 10-12-2008, 09:43 AM  
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San Marcos
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Originally Posted by LMC View Post
How do you suggest this semi-native? I am listening to what the council should do to keep these employers or allow them to expand? Who are these businesses? Why don't you share with us your ideas on this issue?

Dai Nippon
Philips Electronics
Grande Communications

I've shared my ideas many times.

You entice them the same way you entice any business. I don't have the energy to go through it all again today. Google cities retain businesses or something, if you really want to learn.
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Old 10-12-2008, 09:47 AM  
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San Marcos
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Originally Posted by LMC View Post
Nice try. I see you have found the internet movie database.
You do not account for background cast (non credited), which would receive months of work as well as crew and student intern work.

I'm trying to get you to tell us how many of these aweesome $25,000 per day jobs are going to be created. background cast and crew ain't in that group. Those are the low wage pool that nobody has disputed and nobody wants. We want careers, not "months of work."

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