Originally Posted by Immis
Gaylord Bose Is Still The Winner !!:biggrin:
Uncanvassed results after this morning's manual
Bose -- 1,306
Prather -- 1,303
Statement from Jude Prather
I want to congratulate Mr. Bose on his re-election. I
said when I started running that I want to be a bridge
between the university and the community, between the
east and west sides of town, between businesses and
neighborhoods. A state district court lawsuit
challenging the election results would further divide
the town and I won't do that.
At the same time, we must make sure now that every
registered voter is allowed to vote in future
elections. We will continue to collect affidavits from
citizens who were denied their right to vote for a
variety of questionable reasons and provide these to
the media within the next two weeks. It is important
to me that we demonstrate there were irregularities in
this election that must not happen again.
I hope Mr. Bose will show that he is willing to reach
out to those citizens, especially younger residents
and minorities, who feel disenfranchised from our
city's government. Next week, I will be proposing
that a polling location be set up on campus for the
entire duration of early voting in future city
elections as a step toward making sure every citizen
gets a vote and every vote counts.