San Marcos Mayor Susan Narvaiz has issued a call for San Marcos residents to support hurricane relief efforts in the devastated city of New Orleans and other communities in Louisiana and Mississippi.
?I know our citizens share concern and grief for this immense tragedy and the destruction of a great American city and many smaller towns caused by Hurricane Katrina,? Mayor Narvaiz said. ?I encourage all of our citizens, churches and civic organizations to donate generously to relief charities.?
Mayor Narvaiz has initiated creation of a special City account to accept disaster relief donations from local residents. Checks may be made out to the City of San Marcos with a notation of ?Katrina Disaster Relief?. The funds will be sent to the American Red Cross. The City will also accept credit card and cash donations. Donations will be accepted at both utility payment centers located at 630 E. Hopkins Street and 1040 Seguin Highway.