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Old 10-25-2007, 04:17 PM  
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Just say no to Prather

I attended the debate held on campus the other night to try and gain some insight on what the candidates had in mind for this town. Prather did a lot talking, but didn't really say anything. I got the impression that he woke up one day and said, "I think I'll run for city office this year." I don't know if it was poor preparation or his inexperience, but he had a lot of trouble staying "on point" and actually answering a question. The moderator even gave gentle reminders to no avail. And, as el jefe said, he even lost his temper at one point about a past comment from an attendee. This is not the guy we want representing the people of this town, although, if he keeps it up, he could be the next "W". A scary thought in and of itself. Hmmm

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Old 10-26-2007, 12:30 PM  
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One Gaylord Bose is a good guy, whose heart is in the right place, might not be the smoothest public speaker, but does a good job.

and Norton the Mayor has not had automatic votes from Jones, Couch, and Guerrero lately, that's why she needs Prather and Porterfield.

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Old 10-26-2007, 12:49 PM  
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Yeah, actually I have really noticed some friction between her and Jones.
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Old 10-26-2007, 01:47 PM  

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i know for sure she is backing prather and porterfield. that would be awful if we got both of them!

from every meeting i've attended all three always have voted with her. what have they not voted with her on?
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Old 10-27-2007, 02:16 PM  
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I was afraid of this very thing: more votes for madame mayor. No thanks.

Prather is pushing for jobs in his latest mailer, which sounds good until you consider we don't know the type of jobs or the kind of development that's likely to come with it.

And I read that on the Porterfield page here that her husband is a developer. No thanks. Her position at the University is similar to that of former mayor Billy Moore, and while the conflict of interest wasn't always egregious, it was still there. I'm not sure I want to see that door reopened again.

Roberston and Bose are much better than that.
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Old 10-31-2007, 04:34 PM  
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Interesting blurb on the front page of this site today about phone spam from Jude's campaign. It's not clear to me if the placement implies that the story has been corroborated or not.

I'm not sure I object to the calls, but it does reinforce the notion that he is more focused on his career than he is on our issues.
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Old 10-31-2007, 05:18 PM  

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Semi-Native... I tried to post this last night but it apparently did not pass the moderator. In fact, I've tried also to start a new thread and it was rejected also. I hope this one gets through.

I quit my job to help elect my friend Jude. As a former San Marcos Daily Record political rpeorter, nothing about the tone Mr. Bose's supporters are taking surprise me. They retain power by dividing the community into warring factions, pitting one group against another.

As for the phone calls, they were not anonymous. They were identified as coming from SM Consulting, a proprietorship duly registered with the Texas Secretery of State. The company is polling for the campaign. In polling, you do not identify the calls as coming from, say, the Jude Prather Campaign because you want people to respond honestly without regard for who is conducting the research.

If anyone has further questions, please contact me at bradrollins@yahoo.com. Jude Prather believes in transparency in elected leaders and I'm happy to answer any queries.
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Old 10-31-2007, 05:19 PM  

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For the record, proprietorships register with the Comptroller of Public Accounts, not the Secretary of State. My bad.
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Old 10-31-2007, 05:51 PM  

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Originally Posted by notdescript View Post
As for the phone calls, they were not anonymous. They were identified as coming from SM Consulting, a proprietorship duly registered with the Texas Secretery of State.

don't know much but I know that's an outright lie.
i got the phone call as well and it never identified who was conducting it. as for bose supporters dividing the town? that's a load. sorry for people looking out for the core community and not some special interests or trying to pander to students who kiss san marcos goodbye once they get their diploma and care nothing about the community. even if there were ace jobs here for all students the majority could care less about the community while in college esp. the early year students. good try.
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Old 10-31-2007, 06:07 PM  

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Mr./Ms. Norton... Was your phone call an automated message? I received amessage myself and the young lady says at the start that shes calling from SM Consulting.

If you received a live call from one of the volunteers conducting the survey I don't know if the caller said he/she was from SM Consulting or not. I do know it's part of their instructions do so. In the course of dozens of calls I can't guarantee that it all of the volunteers did it every time.

Like I said, I'm here to answer what I can and get questions I can't answer to Jude. If there was in fact a message that went out that did not identify the pollster, it's going to be a heated campaign meeting tonight. :-) Let me know please.

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