A few things to field so please bear with me...
-- Again, I hate to talk about me when I am not on the ballot, but I hate appearing to dodge questions more. :-) My friendship with Jude and my intentions to work with his campaign provided the impetus to leave SMDR when I did. I did feel that SMDR had reached the extent of its influence -- I probably would have left anyway -- because its parent company Alabama-based Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. notoriously shortchanges newsrooms and runs newspapers on he cheap. In short, the parent company doesn't give a damn about San Marcos and I do think a locally owned news operation is a good idea. I did not have a deal or an investor until two or three weeks after I put in notice and left SMDR.
I want to say in SMDR's defense, that people who work there -- some of whom who have given decades to the place -- bust their asses 6+ days a week to cover what they can. Even if you count Anita Miller as three reporters, the place is understaffed for a community this size and this educated.
I missed the Bose story while I worked there and did not think much about his employment until he mentioned at one of the debates that he was working at Gary Job Corp., not the prison as I had thought. That got me looking and led me to these articles....
From the Hays County Free Press:
Kyle prison counselors allege contract violations
Kyle prison undergoing audit
-- I don't know everyone who has donated money to Jude but I am sure you are right that the list includes quite a few real estate agents and builders. (At least one of Mr. Bose's top donors is a developer as well). If I can get a pdf version of Jude's campaign finance disclosure, I'll post it here as well as that of Mr. Bose. I don't know of any campaign contributions coming from out of town except for that of Jude's parents, who live in Arlington.