MonoRail from San Antonio to Dallas
I know that it sounds far fetched but this area needs a monorail. It should go from San Antonio to Dallas. Following IH 35. With stops in all the cities that are willing to pitch in and pay for it.
Now I Know that it's going to be too expensive. But now that the BIG DIG is over in Boston, what other major construction is going on in this country?
I'm sick of all the traffic. I'm sick of all the people getting killed. I'm sick of all the smog.
Why did Austin only make 35 a double decker for such a short distance. It's funny to drive through Austin and the traffic is always backed up until you get to the double decker and then it usually speeds up. Who's idea was it to have it be such a short distance?
I don't know......There's just so many things goin' on in Austin and San Antonio that I would like to go to but don't because of the traffic,BUT to be able to jump on a train and be in either city in 30 minutes would be a dream.
Just venting.