Originally Posted by Immis
How did she prove he is a liar? Dont be a hater cause she didnt win. Just deal with it. Im pissed cause obama won but Im dealing with it! Good Gosh.
Stop calling everybody a hater, motard.
You posted several comments on the taping and others did on the Statesman interview where Jones agreed to the online debate. He did not debate online, and no, I don't think it would have changed the outcome. It did prove him to be a LIAR.
I said Jones was "likeable (or at least acceptable)", not exactly dripping with hatred.
I voted for Obama, but I'm not exactly thrilled he won either. He has no record of any principled stand, in victory or defeat. He is good at getting elected. I voted for him because he ran as himself.
McCain became the opposite of what he was eight years ago. bush light wasn't selling this time. Having joe leiberman (the republican senator from israel) as an albatross around his neck, didn't help. If McCain had been true to himself, he would be president-elect.
I'm not pissed about anything. It all turned out as I expected.
I learned long ago that sheeple are scared of change. Incumbents get re-elected, and so it goes.