Man, their service be whacked sometimes tho, fo' sho. I be waiting in line for hours, my clothes go out of style. Shizzle fo reals tho i think it worth da wait. Love getting my lips wet on a slize of pizza. U feeling dat? Their prices tight too, so everyone can join in and get their grub on.
If you're a SWT student, show them your ID. The drink & buffet would only cost $5 if you're SWT student. And you're right, their service is kind of lacking. I came in for buffet one night, ate a salad, turn around and they've shut down & took out the pizza on the buffet.
Another time, I came in and order some sandwich to go. The lady that was making the sandwich took off w/out saying anything and left me standing there. When someone else finally prepare my food, I was slowed down by the train and end up being late to work.
Tru Tru, they put me off, like a hammy down, that ain't cool.That happens alot. I keep that mind in mind tho, thanks for 'dat tip. Now i can afford to take out all my hunnies.
actually i think sunny's is better than valentino's. don't get me wrong, i love valentino's and their atmosphere is way better, but sunny's pizza is better. love the garlic pizza
I like sunnys pizza, although i dont' know if it's tru chicago pizza....but they're pizzas are really cheesy, and they give discounts to students which is a plus, and they close to where i live....mmm i think i'm gonna go get me a sonnys, brb.
Pizza in is now offering 4.99 buffets from 11am-2pm, and 5:30-8:30pm. This includes drink. Althought their service can be crappy they're trying real hard to maintain a pizza market share in SM, which is why they're offereing cheap buffets, so check them out..they have some really good pizza if they have u're support. Also..they give away this tickets that can be used to stamp everytime u get a buffet, and upon u're 7th visit u get a free buffet. So go check them out if u haven't ...hopefully if enough ppl go...the mngr will see the support they're getting and bring better service.
Pizza Inn? Sunnys? I havent lived in SM since 97 but I come back all the time, never seen or heard of these two.
I worked at Valentinos for 3 years. They make great pizza and sandwiches. Pizzas made from scratch, right down to the dough and the shredding of the cheese. Anyone on this forum old enough to remember the former owner "Bijan" or the old manager "Big Ruben", lol, that guy was great, and huge.
We delivered beer back in those days. Wonder if theyre still doing that? Of course the best was filling up those 32 oz styro cups with Shiner Bock and going on deliveries. Buzzin hardcore by the 5th trip! Long live the pizza driver!