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Old 12-01-2005, 02:11 PM  
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San Marcos
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Posts: 486 | Kudos: +1
What do you want them to do? I suppose that they could go talk to him, but is that the best way for them to spend their time? Should they go talk to everyone who has made similar comments? Should they talk to everyone who is accused of making similar comments? Should they keep files on all of these people?

I know it sounds callous, but it would be impractical and a serious infringement on all of our rights if they did much more than nothing at all. After all, he could just as easily go to the police and claim that she told him that she's a drug dealer and that she kills prostitutes and feeds them to her dogs.

It *is* his word against hers, because they have nothing else to go on. They don't know anything about the situation.

If he is abusive, she can press charges for that; ditto threatening to kill her. She can also leave. If either (or both) of you really believe he killed someone, you ought to be able to find out more. Where is "up north"? When would he have been there?

You might go talk to Mike Wenk, the D.A. Tell him that this guy said he killed someone and you have reason to believe it is true. Find out what information he thinks that the police would need to file charges.

The reality is that she needs to leave him. You both need to stop screwing around with half-baked ideas of locking him up for a murder he most likely never committed, and come up with a plan to get her the hell out of there. You need to go talk to someone at a women?s shelter (there is one in San Marcos) and find out what she needs to do to get away from him safely.

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Old 12-02-2005, 11:25 AM  
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Join Date: Dec 2005
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Granted, they probably don't need to be wasting our tax $ on a crime that is more than likely UNTRUE, but when my friend and I went up to the PD to file the report about him treatening to kill her, the cops turned everything around making it out to be HER fault. They interrogated US about what had happened, and when she told them that there were no witnesses to what happened, they acted like she was lying. Now, just because no one else saw what happened, does that mean that it never happened? I don't think so.

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Old 12-02-2005, 05:58 PM  

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Old 01-20-2006, 12:43 AM  

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@#^# the police, but thank you, seriously.

hey,jenrose. guess what? the police get paid with our tax dollars whether they investigate something or just sit around on their asses. so what would you rather have them doing all day?
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Old 01-20-2006, 02:39 PM  

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A thief that offers a money-back guarantee. Funny.

You can delete my post with the spam, if you like.
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Old 01-21-2006, 07:15 PM  

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There is a fine line between what is tolerant and what is brutal. The police and government just have the ability to move that line.

-David Whitbeck
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Old 02-21-2006, 05:01 PM  
Junior Member

Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 1 | Kudos: +0
Re: @#^# the police, but thank you, seriously.

"hey,jenrose. guess what? the police get paid with our tax dollars whether they investigate something or just sit around on their asses. so what would you rather have them doing all day?"

Do you actually suppose that you get to determine how police officers spend their time?

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