You heard correctly.
And as of right now, there will be NO BIKES allowed.
There's going to be a meeting tonight at the Parks and Recs Building. ( Catty Corner from Mr. Gatti's) AT 6 PM
if you can't make it to the meeting atleast check out
Bikes are not covered under the city's liability policy.
Not only that, So far only skaters have thrown down as far as getting this project uderway ( with the exception of Colin with Diry South BMX, he actually built the sposm site for us, but he has enough problems with the crappy skatepark in his hometown of New Braunfels and hasn't been around much.)
Our park is going to be Concrete. And it is a well known fact that concrete and bikes don't mix.
We throwing a huge skate jam on Feb. 26, at the same place they do sites and sounds of X-mas. FOOD DEMOS MUSIC BEST TRICK COMPETION FREEBIES
and then that night at the Triple Crown we having a bad ass punk rock show.
Faster Disaster
Mala Vista
Ugly Beats
Amplified Heat