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Old 04-20-2004, 06:33 PM  
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City is thinking about a skatepark to "Get the kids out of the streets and into somewhere safe" ......................Damn kids

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Old 04-21-2004, 04:00 PM  
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Sounds like a great idea, and we shall hear more in this weeks thursdays edition of the San Marcos Record

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Old 04-23-2004, 09:08 AM  
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Sounds like it's gonna be a prefab park...As in built by a playground equipment company that cares nothing about skateboarding.

If the city does build a prefab park, No concrete, I bet it'll fall apart in two years.
Look at the Texas Ski Ranch park....It's bunk. the big half pipe has been shut down for almost a year 'cause the bolts are rusting.

The is no excuse for not using concrete structures. Ask the mayor of San Antonio about Lady Bird Johnsons Skate Park.
Better yet try asking some skaters from sequien how they like their pre-fab bull****. They don't. they hate it, esp. the ones that have been to LBJ or the Vans park in Houston and see/feel the flow on a well designed park.....

A skate park should be built by skate boarders. Would you have a group of car salesman help you remodel your bathroom?
These ramps are toys, they are not built with time in mind, only how easy they can ship them.

Please San Marcos, Pour concrete.

I've got some more info on this I would like to post.


Santa Cuzer.....ment to call you.....Leavin' for H-town....Let's hit c-fan Sunday if dry........
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:13 AM  
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This is a letter from the guy who pretty much got San Antonio to go with Concrete and not prefab. The city did build two other parks with pre-fab ramps that are now falling apart....I'll post more...

Hello Everybody,

This newsletter is in response to a recent Express News article about future multi-use skateparks in San Antonio and the growing number of modular skateparks within the city.

In the past few months there has been a big movement throughout the skateboarding world to put a stop to modular skateparks. A majority of these modular companies are owned by large playground companies. When skateboarding started gaining popularity in the mid 1990's the playground companies quickly jumped on the skatepark bandwagon. They began making ramps with the cheapest of materials and selling them to unsuspecting cities at insanely high prices. Most cities thought of it as buying a piece of playground equipment and happily forked over the money. As a skateboarder for many years I can tell you that modular ramps are poorly designed and will fall apart when heavily used.

About a month ago some skaters informed me that the obstacles at Springtime Park were starting to fall apart. The park was donated one year ago by Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream. The ramps were purchased from Huna Designs www.hunadesigns.com which prides itself in providing quality ramps. I went down to the park to check it out and sure enough the grind box had fallen apart and was being held up by 2x4's. Check out the pics on www.austinpublicskatepark.org I also noticed the coping was loose on the quarterpipes and the Skatelite (skate surface) was damaged because of this.

It's interesting that the park was only a year old and was already falling apart. The Huna equipment is priced higher that most other prefab vendors. For instance, the 8ft wide 6ft tall quarterpipe cost $5000.00 dollars. Hmmmm. That's a lot of money for a quarterpipe. Why do these things cost so much??? So we did some research and went down to Alamo Iron Works to price the materials that would go into making a quarterpipe. We figured with materials and labor these quarterpipes should at most cost $1000.00 dollars. WOW! These guys are making $4000.00 dollars every time they sale a quarterpipe to a city. They must be billionaires.

We also found out that all of the modular companies have a warranty on their equipment. I figured these guys must have a lot of money and they have a warranty. Surely they would fix the damaged skateboard ramps. I wrote Huna an email and sent pictures of the damaged obstacles. I received a response from Jeff Poponoe of Huna Designs claiming that the ramps were damaged by "vandalism", and that voids the warranty. OK. I think I know the difference between skateboard damage and vandalism. I wrote him back and informed that the park is heavily used and the damage was definitely caused by skateboarding. He wrote me back an apology letter and said they would have to work with the city in fixing the damaged ramps, and he ended his email in saying, "You know how slow the city moves."

There you have it. These modular companies make a ton of money off selling cities skateparks that fall apart and when they fall apart, "Oh, it was vandalism. We can't fix it.". They could care less about building a quality skatepark and in the end the skaters are stuck with a grind box held up by 2x4's. This is a perfect example of how these prefab companies work. For more information you can read Dave Carnie's article www.austinpublicskatepark.org

Anyways over the past five years I have warned San Antonio Parks and Rec. against purchasing prefab ramps. Of course they never listen to me and now we have two new prefab parks provided by American Ramp Company www.americanrampcompany.com These parks are located at Normoyle Park and Bellaire Park on the Southside. The American Ramp Company provided ramps for the Texas Ski Ranch in New Braunfels, TX. Apparently the vert ramp they provided was completely dysfunctional and dangerous. As a result, the Texas Ski Ranch ended up suing the American Ramp Company, and it's no surprise TSR won.

A few months ago I asked P&R Superintendent Scott Stover why they keep purchasing ramps from these prefab companies. He informed me that the kids ride them and they have fun. Therefore, they are a success. He is right. They are fun. But the real question is: How long can the kids have fun riding these parks before they fall apart??? What happens when they fall apart? "Oh, it is vandalism. Sorry. Can't fix it."

I think the main problem with Parks and Rec. and the skaters in San Antonio. Is that Parks and Rec. doesn't hold public input meeting about these parks. We are the ones using them. Therefore, we should be making the final decision in what we want to ride.

This brings us to our next topic: The multi-use pool/skatepark. This is Parks and Rec. Director Malcolm Matthews idea. The first one of it's kind will be featured at the soon to be opened LBJ skatepark next weekend. The idea is to modify a swimming pool so that it can be skated it during the Winter months and used for swimming during the Summer. The pool is build without transition walls and prefab ramps are placed within the pool making it a skatepark. When Summer comes around the ramps are taken apart and it's time to swim. You can read all about it in this article that came out yesterday in the Express News http://news.mysanantonio.com/story.c...40&xlc=1126322

Unfortunately, the idea of a multi-use pool is the dumbest idea in the history of skateboarding, and San Antonio wants to build them all over the place. First of all, the multi-use pool is a high maintenance facility. The nine months of skateboarding will surely cause damage to the pool. These damages will have to be fixed before filling the pool with water. On top of that the ramps have to be moved in and out of the pool twice a year, so you have to pay a crew to dismantle the ramps and store them. Plus what happens in the Summer when all the kids are out of school and they have plenty of free time to skate. Oops! The skatepark is gone, it's a swimming pool now. Keep in mind that these parks will be made up of modular ramps. You know the ones that are over priced, fall apart, and sold to cities by playground salesmen. NO THANKS!

If Parks and Rec. is going to build more skateparks they need to start listening to the skateboarders. You know the people who use the facilities. Parks like Normoyle and Bellaire pop up out of the no where. There was no public input meeting. And Malcolm is planning on building multi-use parks all over the city. We do not need 20 more modular parks. What we need is a concrete skatepark built by professionals and designed by skateboarders. A low maintenance facility that future generations can ride and enjoy for years to come.

The money spent on maintaining three multi-use parks could probably build us one of these www.skateplaza.com

These companies can also provide the facilities that San Antonio needs:






If anyone has questions or comments. Please send them my way.

Carter Dennis
San Antonio Skatepark Association
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:17 AM  
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I've posted the correspondence of Carter and Jeff Popenoe of Play Well Group via email. The conversation is over email so start at the bottom and read the emails going up the page as each email is a reply to the prior one. Click Read More to view the correspondence.

From: Jeff Popenoe
To: 'carter dennis'
Cc: 'Marty Solombrino' ; Brett Barrick (E-mail) ; 'Robby Booker' ; Chuck Van Zandt Reg. 7 (E-mail)
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 12:03 PM
Subject: RE: Springtime Park

I'm sorry that my email came across incorrectly. Emails can never replace a phone call. I can be reached at 800-726-1816 and you will be forward to where ever I'm located.
Huna is not a playground company. They have been created specifically to service the skaters, inliners, and bmx riders of the world. They pride themselves in doing so.
No doubt you have many more years of experience skating than I, so I'll trust that you know the difference between vandalism and product failure. My goal is to repair the box also, so in that effort we will work with the City to get it done. Yes, it is in Huna's best interest to repair the box and make sure the City know's how to maintain the product also.
Without skaters like yourself we don't have a product need or market, so of course we care about the state of the sport and our company's support of it. Huna has invested millions, in conjunction with Woodward, to develop a product we believe is one of the best prefabs available. We can always use your input.
Stay in touch, because I will also.

-----Original Message-----
From: carter dennis [mailto:carter@sk8sa.org]
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 10:30 AM
To: jeff@playwellgroup.com
Subject: Re: Springtime Park

Thank you for your reply. However, I will strongly disagree that the damage on the grind box is a result of vandalism. I have been skateboarding for 17 years, and I know the difference between skateboard damage and vandalism.

Springtime park is the only public skatepark in San Antonio. It is cherished by the skateboarding community and skated by hundreds of people every week. The park is constantly used. The skaters are very protective of it, and they would not let people vandalise the obstacles. The damage on the grind box is a result of people skating it everyday for a year.
If you do not believe me I suggest you go to Springtime Park and see how many people ride it on a daily basis. Over 5000 people skate in the San Antonio area. That's a lot of people riding Huna.

Like I said I have been skateboarding for a long time. I was around before playground companies started making skateparks. When skaters see your products fall apart they take notice. They send me emails saying, "WTF the park is falling apart."

So I ask myself does the playground industry really care about skateboarding???? Of course, you guys make millions of dollars selling cities skateparks, correct? Well then I have to ask myself does the playground industry care about skateboarders???? NO. It's obvious from the tone of your email. There is a difference between skateboarding and vandalism, and I take offense to that!

This is a simply situation. Your product has suffered some damages from extensive skateboard use. You are in the industry of manufacturing and selling skateboard equipment. As a result, I think it would be in your best interest to see that the product is repaired. Otherwise, it is making Huna and the rest of the prefab industry look bad.

Thank you for your time and I hope we can find a quick solution to this problem.

Carter Dennis
San Antonio Skatepark Association

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Popenoe
To: 'carter dennis'
Cc: 'Marty Solombrino' ; 'Robby Booker'
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: Springtime Park

Thanks for the pictures. I've seen them prior to your email. We have sent them to Huna and they have determined that this could only happen via vandalism. Marty Solombrino, our rep in San Anton, is talking with the City about repairs and maintenance. The quarter pipe coping is a maintenance issue. Any ramp system will require some maintenance over time.
Our warranty covers manufacturer's defects. Vandalism of course isn't covered and neither is maintenance.
Thanks again for you proactive input. We will help educate the City on maintance requirements of the skate park .
Jeff Popenoe, Owner

Marty, are you on top of this problem?

-----Original Message-----
From: carter dennis [mailto:carter@sk8sa.org]
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2004 3:16 PM
To: jeff@playwellgroup.com
Subject: Springtime Park

Hi Jeff,
Your skatepark is falling apart down here. The park is located at Springtime Park in San Antonio. The grind box is in pieces and the coping is very loose on one of the quarterpipes.
I was told the ramps had a warranty and was wondering if you guys could fix it. Ive already informed Robbie Booker of this and was wondering when it would be fixed.

Here is a picture.

Thanks for your time.

Carter Dennis
San Antonio Skatepark Association
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Old 04-23-2004, 09:20 AM  
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I would have gone to the last input meeting on the CDBG funds but had to work...Plan to not miss one more meeting regarding the skatepark....

Please someone,,,,,,write to the city....Tell them what you've learned/know..... Forward carter's letter to everyone you know. We can't let San Marcos waste our money....

Hey Hodgey....I wanna buy a 78666.com shirt...Where do I send the money...

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Old 04-23-2004, 03:54 PM  
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Hey Aaron, you should send that to san marcos parks and rec
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Old 04-26-2004, 07:04 AM  
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Hey Dave,,,

What I'm going to do is just send a link to this thread and they can read it.

This is a letter from a friend of mine Brete Anderson. If you want to get on his email list regarding the Team Love Reunion/San Marcos Skate Park fund raiser please email him and let him know....

From: "anderson452" <anderson452@ev1.net>
To: "Aaron Arguien" <aaronthekid@yahoo.com>, "Amy Rogers" <asrogers@hotmail.com>, "Armstrong, John T. SGT (TX)" <john.armstrong@tx.ngb.army.mil>, "Armstrong, John T. SGT (TX)" <john.armstrong@tx.ngb.army.mil>, swirlingmajicknife@sbcglobal.net, cdrexl@sbcglobal.net, barry_blumenthal@ml.com, cghyatt@itouch.net, texaszorlac@yahoo.com, acku69@hotmail.com, cindy_thompsen@yahoo.com, 8ball@vvm.com, stevecurtner@yahoo.com, havrilakd@greenhill.org, tanyaheart@yahoo.com, chipsk8tr@hotmail.com, newtron@ev1.net, ngates@austin.rr.com, AGPugh@pbsj.com, Verno3@aol.com, bulemics@hotmail.com, celeste@cmadesign.com, stonerlar@yahoo.com, uscooleys@yahoo.com, MojadoPadrote532@msn.com, anderson452@ev1.net, tanyaheart@yahoo.com, acku69@hotmail.com, niles7@grandecom.net, arkinsonjohn@hotmail.com, Tlhomes@aol.com, paul_d_sorensen@hotmail.com, magosser@yahoo.com, k_larkin@sbcglobal.net, dhorner@therousecompany.com, lukegraves@austin.rr.com, kmitrakis@mitrakis.com, cdrexl@sbcglobal.net, rely@boh.com, kst8kat2002@yahoo.com
Subject: Team Love 20th Reunion
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 09:13:43 -0500

Hello everyone sorry it's been so long and welcome to the new additions
our little email list.
Chip had a baby girl about three weeks ago, her name is Chloe Reece
I should have gotten this to you then but I still suck. Chip's email
is chipsk8tr@hotmail.com
For the new folks where's what's up we are planning a Team Love 20th
reunion for the whole from the mid '80s on. For those of you who have
received previous emails the rest of this paragraph is a repeat. The
itself is just that a reunion. We want as many of the old gang to show
up as
possible, with spouses, significant others, and kids if applicable. We
planning on renting the pavilion at either Rio Vista or City Park. That
we get swimming, tubing a place to stand in case of rain, playgrounds,
restrooms, BBQ pits, etc. We are also having a skate contest at the
ditch in memory of the Child. We're using the contest as a fund raiser
the City of San Marcos skate park drive. There may also be a donation
attached to the price of reunion T-shirts. Those of us who have talked
this would also like to try and get the park named after Jonathan. In
addition to being our friend, he was/still is the best skater to
come from San Marcos. We'll let you know when and where to send emails.
We are looking at Labor Day weekend, it's a long one so more folks can
around for the contest, and not everyone has to leave immediately
afterwards. Give me input.
Amy, Cindy and Chip have helped expanded the list greatly. If you know
to get in touch with someone that I am looking for or I have forgotten,
please feel free to forward this to them and have them reply. I have
bounced on the email address I had on Andy and Bung. Vernon please
this to Andy and Amy can you handle Bung. Niles, I wrote down Furley's
address wrong, can you forward.
Cindy has suggested I list who we have contacted so; Brete, Amy, Cory,
Barry, Curtis, Rings, Stuff, Cindy, Steve Curtner, Dan, Tanya, Chip,
, Nathan, Vern, Wes, Celeste, Mike and Sandy, Frank G, Seed, Tom,
Gumby, Kevin and Joann, Luke, KG, Palmer, Vickie, and Rodney and a
couple of
folks whose email address I can't put a name to.
Some newer friends who crossed our paths Aaron (A-2), Sweeper, GOB,
Notable missings: Geoff, Robin Wright, Dong, BDR, Jason, Ted, Brad,
Randy ......

Who knew this would turn into a Russian novel. There are contest in SA
Hou this weekend. Both with old guy divisions. The one in SA is at the
public skate park it's a fund raiser I know Vern, Andy and I will be
for directions email me. Mike Money a friend of Jimmy's is throwing a
jam at EZ-7. Sounds fun and familiar. Don't know where the most
force in geriatric skateboarding, Gumby, will be but I'd bet a case or
he pacing some where.

Let me know what's up.

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Old 05-04-2004, 12:44 PM  
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I met Rodney Cobb, with Parks and Rec this morning. We talked for about a half hour. He asked me more questions than I asked him.
By the amount of Replies that have come up on this thread I'm guessing not to many skaters read this site.
So santa Cruzer, you have to help me get the word out.
They need to get ahold of me or go to a parks and rec meeting, and voice their opinions.

If any one wants more info. on the process of how this park is going to be built. and it will be done in no time, email me.


Hodge you could help out by putting a link to email me about questions/comments about the park on the main page, or better yet under that skateboarding link.

I will be in constant communication with parks and rec. from here on out.
I'll be at the design meeting (I hope) which isn't to far away.

We need to find a place to put the damn thing.
Rio Vista is out of the question. They won't allow any more concrete to be poured out there.

I don't believe that NO skateboarders read 78666.com.....what gives?
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Old 05-17-2004, 07:28 AM  
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Skatepark Info meeting at my house...
5-6 pm
923 Sycamore

be there or........
be somewhere else...

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