Originally Posted by havasu
Thanks for the information. You are not the first to tell me to purchase premium and actually save money. Just doesn't make sense to me.
It's pretty confusing sometimes. Alot of people think that putting premium fuel in their car ( that does not recommend premium) they think it adds more power.. But unless your car is designed for premium you WILL NOT get improvements.... But since you said your car does recommend premium then it runs more efficiently on premium.
Premium fuel allows the fuel air mixture to be compressed more without detonating. Detonating is the mixture exploding In the cylinder. (that's a bad thing). When it's able to compress more it can create more power with the same amount of fuel!
When you put regular fuel in there the computer detunes the computer basically saving the motor from destroying itself. But in doing that it makes less power also less gas mileage.
But put premium back in and it will tune back to its optimum setting and make more power and more mileage!
It's fairly complex without a working knowledge of engine mechanics but I would highly recommend using the fuel that's recommended.
If your car asks for 87 octane. Don't use more cause your wasting money. ( octane does not mean more power it just means its resistance to detonation)
If your car asks for 92+ use premium. Its what it's designed for and that's how it gets the most efficiency out of the motor, better mileage and more power!