You get used to the rain, it's the overcast that some people can't handle. Our winters are pretty mild compared to most of the US. And our summers are ****ing spectacular! No other place i would want to be in the summer than the Pacific NW. I always tell people, if you're going to visit, do it in the summer.
Another thing. If you don't like the rain so much move up the coast a little where you get into the rain shadow of the Olympics and it isn't all that bad.
Despite the number of gray and rainy days, Seattle still gets less rainfall annually than most eastcoast cities. As someone else said, it rains but very rarely pours. And the absence of the sun just helps us appreciate the sunny days that much more. We moved here 12 years ago from the Dallas area, my wife is born and bred Texan, and we would never consider moving back.
You get used to the rain, it's the overcast that some people can't handle.
I lived in South Hill Puyallup for 9 years and the rain was no big deal. It was the overcast that killed me. I had S.A.D. most all year long. In 1998 I moved to a place across the mountains where the sun shines a lot, snowy winters and it is nice and hot in the summer. I have been in the Yakima area ever since. I love it here.
I live a ways north of Seattle and this last month or so its poured more than a few times, but thats ok with me because we need the rain to keep everything lush and green...