Here's a picture I snapped with my cell phone from the 17th floor of a building where the Ohio Attorney General has offices. I was there for a job interview and had afew minutes before the people showed up.
Overqualified. I kinda figured I was when I spent the whole interview BSing with the guy who would have been my bosses boss. I think the guy who would have been my boss felt threatened.
Overqualified. I kinda figured I was when I spent the whole interview BSing with the guy who would have been my bosses boss. I think the guy who would have been my boss felt threatened.
An "over qualified" Lawyer?!!....I mean!....was there some education limit???.
A very good friend of mine is an attorney. He also has a Phd, has taught in a New England ivy league college and has many years of experience as a tax attorney. Retired last year after many years with the IRS. But he is a good guy. "Over qualified" is a relative term used in comparison with another person or measurable standard. Could be they were intimidated but there is no such thing as being "over educated". My 2c.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal. Never forget that everything the Founding Fathers did was not." Martin Luther King, Jr.
Over qualified is a term invented by those that are not.
That's BS. At the time I was working as a Network Administrator for $39,000 a year. The job was for a Tech Support job for $41,000 a year (and better benefits).
Afew months later I got an offer for a Windows Administrator job for $61,000. Trust me, I was over qualified. I just wanted out of the place where I was and was willing to take a step back.