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Old 12-21-2010, 07:26 PM  
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St Louis, MO
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Looking for Acreage within StL commuting distance

What are the best areas / zip codes to get the most acreage for your dollar not too far outside of St Louis County? Warren County would be convenient for me but prices are easily $6000/ac for unimproved land. Jefferson County wouldn't be as convenient but prices seem to be better. I would love to have 40ac for <$100k but don't think that's too realistic if I want to be within 60min commuting distance of, say, Creve Couer (270&40/64). I had almost convinced myself to take 6ac for $30k in Warrenton area, but it had no improvementsat all. I'm also trying to steer clear of areas that are trashed out. Low tooth-per-capita isn't bad as long as crime is low.

I'm also interested in real-estate sites and/or search engines that will allow me to refine my search to land in a specific area, like
: [Coldwell Banker Premier Group - Your St. Louis Real Estate Company] - Coldwell Banker Premier Group - benton park, cbp, central west end, clayton, clayton schools, coldwell banker in st louis, compton heights, creve coeur homes for sale, francis h

I'm willing to accept less land if it already has improvements like utilities, manufactured home, steel building, etc.

Any suggestions would be appreciated!

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Old 12-29-2010, 01:55 AM  
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I don't know how bad it is, but my brother lives in St. Charles and says the area west of St. Louis has a lot of robberies and meth labs in the area. He told me to look farther west in the state.

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Old 12-29-2010, 03:58 PM  
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Washington, MO
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I live in Franklin County south and west of St Charles County. Always have and I know the whole area extensively.

I would not recommend St. Charles County as an acreage area because it is an extension of St. Louis County and overbuilt. You will not find acreage in St Charles County at all unless you have very deep pockets.

Warren County is good and the prices are better but it's another 15 miles or so out from St Charles County. It is centered on I-70 into the city. (see my remarks about Franklin County and Washington on the river below)

Franklin County is good if you get rural with it and concentrate on areas west of Washington. Out to New Haven and Herman are beautiful and safe and still a "bargain". I live in Washington and drove I-44 into the city for 20 years. Not bad as commutes go (45 minutes to Creve Coeur without traffic issues) because I-44 either runs great most of the time or is a nighmare on rare occasions. If you look just north of Washington in Warren County you will find good prices still on acreage and you can use I-44 still to get into St Louis from the south but there are, of course, other roads to take.

Stay away from Jefferson County south of St Louis County because of two reasons: 1) to get to Creve Coeur you have to drive in extensive traffic around I-244 for a long way, and 2) because their lack of zoning laws over the years have left them with trailer parks next to expensive homes and property and there is a very strong "lack of teeth" variable there; the county is full of lowlifes.

I would NOT suggest anything in Illinois to anyone except my worst enemy within a commute of Creve Coeur. Since Creve Coeur is close to I70 and I270 I would suggest you take a look at a commute west on I70 and then north on HWY61 into Lincoln County or maybe into Dent County. These areas are rural, the property is cheaper relative to other closer areas, and acreage is available. Your best bet would be to find the county seat, never use a St Louis realator for rural areas, (try Troy, Mo.), locate an agent that specializes in acreage instead of city properties, and then start driving and looking. Just remember that if your goal is a less than 60 minute drive you are ruling out a lot of wonderful places to live but you will not get 40 acres unless you are rich like God. since this area is sprawling. In my opinion, your 60 minute commute will put you, in any direction, in an area where "reasonable" acreage prices are absolutely nonexistant. The highways are good though around the St Louis area and especially from the north through St Charles into Creve Coeur on HWY61 (4 lane) and on east into the city.

As far as the comment about meth labs and crime goes.....I have lived in rural eastern Mo and have never had a problem both in town and out of town. I won't say that this problem does not exist but those people tend to prey on one another. Some areas are worse than others of course (Jefferson County, Pacific and Robertsville in eastern Franklin County) but you run into that no matter where you go. Find your piece of heaven and if you live at the end of a road you'll be safer but it's never a bad idea to have a good dog that barks at strangers and a shotgun handy to meet them. This is just a fact of life in any rural area anywhere. Good luck and welcome to our part of heaven.
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Old 01-03-2011, 04:26 PM  

Austin, Texas
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Outer Edwardsville or Marine IL
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Old 01-06-2011, 02:34 PM  
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St. Louis, MO
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Calhoun County, IL, north of the Golden Eagle Ferry, is the hidden gem of St. Louis. If you haven't been up there, I suggest taking a ride. It's 45 minutes from downtown Clayton. Ground prices are still in the $3000/ac range and it's as clean if not cleaner and nicer than Hermann. The riff-raff stays out because you either have to take a ferry to get over there or drive a long way. I sold 400 acres up there for some good St. Louis friends a couple of years ago and I love the place. I have 17 acres listed with an incredible view looking out over the Mississippi River towards Missouri for $85,000 total, but the seller would take less. Give me a call if you're interested. I also know of some other parcels in MO for sale as well for recreation use. See my webite: land is our business (w w w.buymud. c o m)


Bob Holthaus
Holthaus Realty & Development, Inc.
Chesterfield, MO
website for: Holthaus Realty & Development
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Old 01-14-2011, 01:51 PM  
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Rural STL, MO
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Lincoln County has A LOT of area within an hours drive down 61, 79, or 70 to 270, and under $5000/ac.

Plus, LC does not have zoning right now. You can hire good union help to build whatever you want to code: house, outbuildings, pools, etc, for a lot less money and less headache than neighboring counties. If you build a house (outside of city limits), the most that you might run in to is the Health Dept. stopping by to visually check that you have a septic system.
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Old 01-15-2011, 04:19 PM  
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Imperial, Missouri
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Originally Posted by momule View Post
Stay away from Jefferson County south of St Louis County because of two reasons: 1) to get to Creve Coeur you have to drive in extensive traffic around I-244 for a long way, and 2) because their lack of zoning laws over the years have left them with trailer parks next to expensive homes and property and there is a very strong "lack of teeth" variable there; the county is full of lowlifes.
Last I heard Franklin county was the meth capital of the U.S.

I have lived in Jefferson County all my life and know quite a few people from the area that have all their teeth, nice homes, and are great people.

Most places are going to have good and bad areas and just because your neighbor has a nice home doesn't mean they are not a lowlife.

good luck with your search
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Old 01-16-2011, 07:06 PM  
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Rural STL, MO
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all counties have bad areas. Post up where you think that you'll be looking and we'll tell you where to avoid
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Old 01-23-2011, 10:46 AM  
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Chesterfield, Missouri
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Proprty for sale

I have heard that since the county cleaned it up (yeah right) that there are several prime parcels available in Castle Point.
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Old 01-26-2011, 05:28 PM  
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Washington, MO
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Originally Posted by mollydodger View Post
I have heard that since the county cleaned it up (yeah right) that there are several prime parcels available in Castle Point.
Just because those Castle Point parcels look empty does not mean that they are. Usually they look that way because the families haven't gotten around to having headstones ordered yet.

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