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Old 07-15-2011, 06:32 PM  
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Anyone on it yet? I got on it a few days ago. It is nice easy to use and It is going to give Facebook a run for its money.

I'm not Sheldon! I'm the Flash! And now I'm going to the Grand Canyon to scream in frustration *takes two quick steps* I'm back
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:47 PM  
blucher's Avatar

Keizer, OR
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Tried looking for a way on but didn't see one.

Saw this:

Google+ is pretty cool. I just got in last night thanks to a friend who invited me while they were still available. Unfortunately people were so excited to get in that Google was a bit overwhelmed while they’re just in beta, and had to cut off the invitations. Turns out that theres a pretty sneaky work around that will let people get their friends in, including us. If you requested an invite from us, look for an email!

Google+, Google’s new social sharing/networking project is a bold move, and has a pretty sweet Android app, as one would expect for something from Google. If you want in at the moment though you need an invite. Google was letting users send out invites last night, but then had to stop because so many people wanted in. Its possible though for people to let friends in by using the service to share with them!
If you are one of the lucky few, and looking to get some more friends in your circles follow these simple steps:
1) Add the person’s email to one of your circles
2) Share something with that circle, making sure you’ve checked the option to share via email to the person without Google+
3) That person receives an email with whatever you shared, and a big orange button prompting them to learn more about Google+
4) If they click it they will be prompted to join!


JUNE 30, 2011 10:05 AM PDT
How to invite your pals to Google+
by Stephen Shankland

A lot of people want to get in on the beta test of Google+, Google's new social-networking service. If you're one of the folks in the in-crowd, there's something you can do to get your friends on board right now.
And it's not as obvious as clicking an "invite friends" button to invite them directly. Google opened up that possibility last night but then shut it down after a fleeting moment because of what Google's Vic Gundotra called "insane demand."
Instead, you have to use a built-in e-mail option for Google+ that happens to have a viral marketing component. Here are the steps.
First, figure out who you'll send invitations to. If they're already in your Gmail address book or another Google service, you're a step ahead. If not, there's some cutting and pasting in your future.
For friends whose e-mails are already in your Gmail address book or otherwise discoverable in Google+'s Circles section, add them to a special circle you created for G+ invitees. If they're not in your contacts, just hold onto their addresses for now.
Next, start a new Google+ message, the equivalent of a Facebook update message or a Twitter tweet. In it, type an invitation message with an expectations-lowering caution. Here's what I've been saying: "This message serves as an invite to Google+. Google throttles the signup rate, though, so it may not work at first. If not, try again later."

I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:19 PM  
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Keizer, OR
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Google+ hands on: laboured stuff | Technology | guardian.co.uk

Google+ hands on: laboured stuff
The desktop version of Google's new social network lacks the social aspect of Facebook and the speed, and simplicity, of Twitter. Update: but the mobile version is far better

Google+ ... much twirling icons later
What every startup works on is the user's experience in the first few minutes ? seconds even ? that they are using their application. What do you see? How easy is it to join? Can you get your profile set up in less than a minute? Can you get your picture on your profile in seconds, edited, and move on?

Try it on Twitter or Facebook or any of a multitude of sites and you'll see what a slick, well-oiled operation is. Developers and designers will stand over pages with stopwatches trying to get the signup process to happen as quickly as possible.

Google+ shows that Google is not a startup. My invite arrived in email: an eager click later and I was being told that I couldn't join Google Plus ? despite the invite ? because I was using a profile in a corporate Google account. But isn't Google meant to be for corporate sharing too? Oh, never mind.

I switched to another browser, and logged in to my personal Google Mail account. I put in the URL from the invite.

"Oops! You don't have a profile!" it chided. We're already at the point where, if Google were a startup, 50% of would-be joiners would have given up and gone back to Twitter, or Facebook, or reading a news site. (Update: but see later for the experience on mobile, which is far better.)

I created a profile ? though it burped at my CV, insisting that I had used "invalid years". (Perhaps it's because I'd had a job in the 1990s. Look, even Google was started in the 1990s.) Upload a photo? Sure. I'll try. No, it didn't like my photo. Never mind, you don't need to have a photo in your profile.

That done, I pasted the invite link into the browser. Hurrah! It worked. Wait, what's this? I'm being asked to upload a profile photo "so people can recognise it's you". Fair enough. I grabbed a photo, cropped it smaller, and uploaded it.

Or tried to. Much twirling icons later, it decided the photo was too big (or that "something is wrong with your internet connection, or it is not a valid image file". Thanks for insulting my internet and my photo, Google.). I shrank it. It accepted it. Then it wanted me to crop it ? again. I did. It pondered this for a while. I gave up.

At this point, if Google were a startup, it would have lost precisely 99.999% of every would-be joiner. Getting photos uploaded is the most fundamental thing you have to be able to do, and every startup knows it. (Twitter's upload works like butter.)
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
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