100 kts (115 mph, 185 km/h)
93 kts (105 mph, 172 km/h)
45 kts (51 mph, 83 km/h)
425 nmi (490 mi, 787 km)
1700' (518 m) over 50' obstacle
Gross Takeoff Weight:
Empty Weight:
Useful Load:
1430 lbs (650 kg)
970 lbs (440 kg)
460 lbs (210 kg)
Fuel burn at cruise:
Useable Fuel:
Mileage on road:
5 gph (18.9 L/h)
23 gal (87L)
35 mpg (14.9 km/L)
Light Sport Aircraft (LSA)
Rear wheel drive on the ground
Automotive-style entry and exit
Two place, side by side
Automated electromechanical folding wing
No trailer or hangar needed
Cargo area holds golf clubs
Drive in case of inclement weather
Proven 100 hp Rotax 912S engine
Full vehicle parachute available
Modern glass avionics
Automotive crash safety features
80? (2m) tall
90? (2.3m) wide
18? 9? (6m) long
78" (2m) tall
26' 6" (8m) wingspan
19' 9" (6m) long
48? at the shoulder
Carry-on luggage
Golf clubs
Two place, side-by-side
Become a Sport Pilot in as little as 20 hours of flight time in a Transition?-specific course. For existing pilots, get comfortable quickly with the familiarization training included with every Transition? delivery.
Order Today
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost
It is hard to believe you can fly after only 20 hours of training. Talk about a major pucker factor if a problem arises, where you were provided no training!
It is hard to believe you can fly after only 20 hours of training. Talk about a major pucker factor if a problem arises, where you were provided no training!
Seems enough to keep that flying golf cart airborne. If the motor quits you cross your eyes & pray gliding is easy. It's a 2 seater but my parachute would be riding shotgun.
I'll believe corporations are persons when Texas executes one.: LBJ's Ghost