Originally Posted by Austin
sorry to hear you got wet.
wet is a good thing, we don't melt.
I drove over the Cascades into Springfield/Eugene in a light rain. Guy was mowing his lawn, a kid delivered newspapers, carpenters were framing a building and there wasn't an umbrella in sight. Oregon treats rain with complete indifference and why not? If I asked a woman out and her response was "they're calling for rain" I seldom asked again.
I work & camp in rain without ill effect. I own but seldom use quality raingear, it just isn't often necessary. A baseball cap in winter is my only concession to the nearly daily rainfall.
About 10 years ago PA was hit by drought and the corn withered in the fields. Fires were a big problem for a couple years afterwards. I can't imagine what the SW is suffering. Get nekkid and play in whatever rain you get.