the road jsut before the entrance to the south has a nice little water fall right by the hanidcapped parking area, I think that rd then turns dirt and proceeds south to elphant butte. think its popular wiht mtn bikers. it may then hook up wih the road to alta which is about like gunsight. the hike up mt wrightson is fantatstic.
While its a pretty trip. It won't hook up to the road to alta directly, the hookup is through Elephant Head and turn up the road to the Smithsonian. The road from there is the Bull Springs Road. Madera Canyon is pretty and peacfull and all but not much for jeeping. But Gunsight is close as is Bull springs. If you take Bull Springs. You will entually get to a tee in the road. Right goes to Patagonia and Alta, Left will take you to the area over the hill from Madera and almost as nice. Also old mining areas to check out....
I know about the water falls, me and my old lady are going to renew our vows there at some point. I'm just looking for a relaxing weekend for my bday, things have been so hectic and stressful lately. I want to plan on heading up the 2nd and come back the 3rd. Unless I get giddy and head up on friday night, which is 50/50 at this point. I still have the finish the cylinder head on my wifes car so I will see how it goes.
This definitely rates about a 9.0 on my weird-sh*t-o-meter.