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Old 01-07-2011, 08:43 AM  
Junior Member

Heber, Utah
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 6 | Kudos: +10

We moved to Heber about 3 months ago and at the back of our house there is a 500 acre field (I am just guessing) but it is big. There is a fox that lives there and makes his way around looking for food. There is so much snow you wonder how he could find food but the other day he caught a mouse. The mice must move around under the snow and he must be able to smell them. He stuck his head into about 2 feet of snow and come up with a mouse and eat it. I wish he would come a little closer so we could take some pictures.

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Old 01-07-2011, 09:47 AM  
Junior Member

Taylorsville, UT
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 9 | Kudos: +10
Years ago, a bunch of friends and I tool a trip to the Grand Canyon for a few days, and I was sitting up reading at the campground after everyone else went to bed. I had a small lantern hanging above, giving me just enough light to read by, yet I could still see outside of the ring of light. I heard a little noise and looked up, there was a Kit Fox hanging right near the edge of the camp area really, really wanting to explore our garbage, but I scared him when I looked up. I went back to reading and watching out of the corner of my eye. He hung around for about 15 minutes, checking out our campsite before deciding we didn't have anything worthy of his attention. It was really cool, especially since for some reason, I NEVER am the one that gets to see wild animals. I lived in Arizona for over 20 years, spent a lot of time outdoors, and saw 3 trantulas the whole time, one of which immediately got run over, and one that ws in the process of being stung by a tarantula wasp. I saw 1 horny toad, 1 rattlesnake, and about 10 roadrunners in all that time, and that's it...

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Old 01-07-2011, 10:19 AM  
Junior Member

Heber, Utah
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 6 | Kudos: +10
Utah is a great place for seeing wild life. We have a lot of fox and it is cool having this one in my back yard. It is farm land and there is a big sprinkler close to my house and I am going to put some food by it. Maybe a piece of chicken or an egg to see it the fox will come closer so I can take pictures.
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Old 01-12-2011, 04:50 PM  

Vernal, Utah, U.S.A.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 79 | Kudos: +11
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They can hear the mice moving around under the snow. The first time I ever saw a fox leap and dive, I thought it was hilarious! I had to check it out on the web of course, but it was interesting reading.
"Some of the greatest inventions have come by extraordinary imaginations".
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