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Old 01-22-2011, 10:29 PM  
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Cost of living in Vermont

what is the cost of living like.

taxes, food, just every thing in general

i want to move up north after college and start my life up there.

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Old 02-08-2011, 05:48 AM  
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Burlington, Vermont
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Originally Posted by TheBeatenPath View Post
what is the cost of living like.

taxes, food, just every thing in general

i want to move up north after college and start my life up there.
Think long and before you make the decision. The cost of living is very high. And you better like snow! And I dont mean playing in it. That evil white stuff makes your every day chores much more difficult. In our neck of the woods it is not unusual to see snow in June and September......so you may see snow 10 months of the year. And dont forget about the plowing bills, high heating, the wear and tear on your vehicle. $600 snow tires and road salt eating you car/truck. Double your comute times during winter. Unless you in town expect to drive along ways for ammenities, entertainment and even groceries.

I have had to shovel our roof 3 times this week....it SUCKS. I could go on. But you get the drift?

The summers are great but very short.

Have a nice day!

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Old 02-10-2011, 05:48 AM  
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Georgia, vermont
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I was born and raised in VT and I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. You'd really have to hear from someone who also has moved here and can compare the cost of living to somewhere else. I work at a local printing company and have a long drive to and from work so I traded in my truck and bought an AWD car. You save were you can. But the four season are what Vermont is all about. I don't think that there are any states that there isn't something bad about them. Good luck and I hope you make Vermont your home.
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Old 02-16-2011, 09:04 AM  
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Vermont cost of living is a lot less - I lived in VT for 4 years after college (originally from the Philadelphia Area of PA). I rented a 3 bedroom Townhouse for $500 a month...

I will say this, when I lived in VT the job market was terrible - I made roughly 24k a year as a control engineer and had to take a second job at a restaurant as a bus boy to make ends meet. I went to school for Civil Engineering and there was just no calling for it up there - I ended up moving back to PA and making over 2x more here - although I wouldn't be able to touch a 3 bedroom townhouse for $500.
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Old 03-15-2011, 01:21 PM  
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Dover, NH
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With Peter Shumlin in the Governor's seat, you're going to have a tough time finding a decent job fresh out of college. Businesses are buckling down for what they see as a hostile political climate. Much of the reason I moved to NH was to get away from his promised policies that would sink any chance of me operating a business. The state is already running a massive deficit, and a core part of his campaign was to make the state pay for mandatory kindergarten.

I will move back eventually, because I'm too much of a Woodchuck to spend more than a few years away from my mountains, but it's going to be expensive.
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