Is the "post-apocalypse" scenario in a urban type environment?
Ballahack does have a small "town" of about half a dozen buildings which they use for CQB fights, but it's mostly woodland and swamp. They're building some extra "townships" for the Apocalypse game, several of which are likely to be burned down over the course of the weekend (the owner has intimated as much in briefings recently).
I think it could be really fun even for people who aren't real into paintball/airsoft if you had maybe an old movie set or just a property with a lot of real structures that put up a town.
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I'd love to get some "real" CQB fighting in, like through a school or other large building. The only problem with schools are that most classrooms are self contained - one way in, one way out.
How exactly does one "play" with Airsoft guns? Do you just go on honor whether or not you get hit? I mean, paintball is usually pretty obvious when you get hit. Airsoft is pretty cool though. Never thought about competitions with it.