Normally I would not care about the snow, but commuting so far makes it not so much fun. It seems like the prediction of a hard winter is turning out to be correct. I cant keep my driveway clear. Every time I do, it snows. I have been trying to test and tune my truck for a month and have not had a clear dry day to do it. Boo snow.
I finally got my driveway chipped of ice and got my typhoon out on the road for some test runs on the new chip. Im hoping for a week of good weather and a 70mph commute both ways to tri-cities.
Yakima to tri-cities is a bit of a commute, 80 miles? I should stop complaining about mine to Seattle, 23 miles.
So far we had the nasty week of Thanksgiving, a little sprinkle of it last night and maybe more tomorrow. Probably more than normal already but not too bad. Any time it snows on the west side we get it, at nearly 800' elevation on the Sammamish Plateau. Sometimes we have a mess of it but can go 1 mile down the hill and there's no snow at all.
After my drive to work this morning I am definitely getting sick of it. The 3" from yesterday morning melted by afternoon, but then we got another 2" last night, which then froze hard. Across the plateau and through Issaquah was nasty,though once I hit I90 it was clear and dry the rest of the way to the waterfront. It's down to 18 degrees now, the main roads are clear, but we still have frozen slush on our street.