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Old 12-21-2012, 06:08 PM  
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Selah, Washington
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Report: Leavenworth Christmas Lighting Festival - Dec 16 2012

Leavenworth Christmas Lighting Festival
Report and photos by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures

Leavenworth Washington - Photo by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures

On Sunday December 16th, 2012 Eastern Washington Adventures members met up for lunch at the M?nchen Haus in Leavenworth Washington for our annual Leavenworth Christmas Lighting Festival get together.

After lunch we had a good time walking around town enjoying all the Christmas spirit. It was snowing most of the afternoon but really not too cold. Around 4:30 PM we gathered in front of the gazebo for the main event, the lighting of the town. That was very cool.

After the town was lit up, Jeff and I took a walk. We stopped in at the M?nchen Haus and they had a movie playing in their courtyard. It was the first time a had watched a movie outdoors during a snow storm. My wife met us there for a beer and then we moved onto the Tumwater Inn Restaurant & Lounge for dinner where Jeff’s wife met with us.

The day was a lot of fun thanks to who came and to the people of Leavenworth that put so much work into making the Christmas Lighting Festival happen.

My family stayed Sunday and Monday nights at the Evergreen Inn so we could enjoy the Christmas spirit Leavenworth had to offer.

On Monday morning we woke up to deep snow. The kids had fun sledding and shopping. I got the chance to visit two of our Eastern Washington Adventures sponsors. Jeff from Complete Cabin Care met me in Leavenworth. We went to saw Carl from JustDifferentials.com at his shop in Cashmere. Carl gave us a tour of his big shop. It is very impressive how many parts they have on hand.

Next Jeff and I went back to Leavenworth and had Lunch at Uncle Uli’s Pub. I had Uncle Uli’s Original Brat Burger. It was very good.

A snow storm was coming in and I had another place to go before dark. I followed Jeff out to the Ponderosa in Plain Washington to see the different places they had to offer to for future Eastern Washington Adventures events. The Ponderosa has a lot to offer for family fun.

The snow storm had hit hard while I was in the Plain area. On my way out of the Ponderosa I came up on a tree down across the road. I was able to fit under it and continue on toward Leavenworth. I met a fire truck down the road and told him about the tree. He said he had already call for help and told me there was an ambulance on a call at the Ponderosa that would need to get out soon.

Back in Leavenworth I met my wife so we could go out on the town. The first stop was at the Icicle Brewing Company. We enjoyed a couple of beers and then took a walk around town taking in the Christmas spirit that Leavenworth give out this time of year. We decided to have dinner (for the second night in a row) at the Tumwater Inn Restaurant & Lounge. I love their Jaegerschnitzel.

Tuesday morning we woke up to blue skies. We packed up the Jeep and took a drive around the Leavenworth area. The last stop was for coffee at Bistro Espresso.

We want to thank all the people that made this Eastern Washington Adventures get together successful.

Merry Christmas to all!

See full report with 88 photos at: Leavenworth Christmas Lighting Festival – Dec 16 2012

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