Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 Blue & Gold
Report and photos by Clay Graham / Selah Adventures – A division of Eastern Washington Adventures.
Selah, Washington - Photo by Clay Graham / Eastern Washington Adventures
On Wednesday February 19th, 2014 Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 held their 2014 Blue & Gold Banquet in the cafeteria of Lince Elementary in Selah, Washington.
Most Cub Scouts celebrate Scouting Anniversary Week in February with a “birthday party” called the blue and gold banquet.
This is also the time the second year Webelos move from Cub Scouts into Boy Scouts. This year one Webelos moved from Cub Scout Pack 276 into Boy Scout Troop 275.
For more information on Selah Cub Scout Pack 276, please visit the
Web page and
Facebook Page.
See full report with photos at: Selah Cub Scout Pack 276 Blue & Gold