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Old 11-28-2010, 11:11 AM  
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Sayner, WI
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Doyle will be gone in a month or so, hopefully our legislature will address the CC issue quickly, and Walker will sign it into law.

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Old 11-28-2010, 04:38 PM  
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North of Wausau, Wisconsin
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It is definately on the to-do list. The list is long to get Wis. back on track.

Madison ? The economy will dominate the state's next legislative session, but other issues - such as requiring voters to show ID at the polls and allowing people to carry concealed guns - will also get increased attention with Republicans controlling all of state government.

Republicans are unanimous in saying their top goals are creating jobs and righting the state budget, but acknowledge there is broad support among them for the bills on voter ID and concealed weapons.

Legislators' plates are piled high - JSOnline

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Old 11-29-2010, 07:54 AM  

green bay, wi
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Originally Posted by MIpatriot View Post
Tell that to the Madison 5. 5 guys legally open carrying at a Culvers in Madison and wrongfully arrested for disorderly conduct. WOC is now suing the city of Madison. It's one of many, many cases where WI residents have been hassled and even arrested for legal open carry.
Sounds like a problem with people not knowing the law, not the law its self.
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Old 11-29-2010, 07:57 AM  

green bay, wi
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Originally Posted by MIpatriot View Post
So you're ok with only the bad guys having guns then.

Here is a great read by a former USMC
Just because your ok with the open law and not so much with the CC law, does not even remotely suggest you want only "bad guys" with the guns.
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Old 11-29-2010, 10:45 AM  
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Milwaukee, WI
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Conceal to carry should be a right. I don't know if we can pass it here in WI. But I don't see all the hoopla about you should carry it out in the open. When its concealed the bad guys have to think twice about who they may encounter
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Old 11-29-2010, 05:51 PM  
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Marquette, MI
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Originally Posted by eelpout View Post
Just because your ok with the open law and not so much with the CC law, does not even remotely suggest you want only "bad guys" with the guns.
It's not that easy to carry open, especially when people are calling 911 because someone has a gun and the cops are harassing those who legally carry open. If at any time your gun becomes even partially covered by a jacket, shirt or whatever you're now illegal. Also without a conceal carry permit every time you enter your car you have to unload and lock up your pistol in the trunk. Makes for a difficult time.

I have a Michigan CC permit and I can carry my gun open, concealed or even partially concealed it doesn't matter. When I enter my car I can keep it loaded and leave it on my belt or put it on the front seat again it doesn't matter. Transport is a big deal and a ccw makes it easy. I can also purchase a handgun without a purchase permit or NICS check because I've been through an extensive FBI background check.

From a tactical standpoint I feel better with my weapon concealed. I'd rather have the element of surprise than be open carrying and have a bad guy see me and decide to take me out first.

Conceal carry is all around better imho. It doesn't scare people and let's face it, society has been conditioned to fear handguns. The media uses every opportunity to demonize them and unfortunately will not report the 2 million plus crimes stopped every year by CCW permit holders. You have the right not to like conceal carry but your fears should not prevent those of us who are responsible gun owners from protecting ourselves and loved ones.
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Old 11-30-2010, 07:26 AM  

green bay, wi
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Nothing in that last post has anything to do with what you replied to at all. Nothing.

Thats normal I guess for the gun topic. Soon as some one makes a point just redirect the conversation somewhere else and blow smoke up thier ass.
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Old 11-30-2010, 10:34 AM  
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Marquette, MI
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Originally Posted by eelpout View Post
Nothing in that last post has anything to do with what you replied to at all. Nothing.

Thats normal I guess for the gun topic. Soon as some one makes a point just redirect the conversation somewhere else and blow smoke up thier ass.
Just making a case for CC but fair enough, point taken.

The thing is bad guys do not live by Rule of Law. It's easy to conceal a handgun without anyone knowing. BG's will carry when and where they want but GG's will obey the law. If a BG knows that GG's cant carry they are emboldened as there is no one to challenge them. BG's fear armed citizens much more than police. Taking On Gun Control - Reasons to Own A Firearm
Criminals Fear Armed Citizens More Than The Police
In 1985, the National Institute for Justice reported that:

* 60% of felons polled agreed that "a criminal is not going to mess around with a victim he knows is armed with a gun."

* 57% of felons polled agreed that "criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police."

* 74% of felons polled agreed that "one reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot during the crime."

* Kennesaw, GA. In 1982, this suburb of Atlanta passed a law requiring heads of households to keep at least one weapon in the house. The residential burglary rate subsequently dropped 89% in Kennesaw, compared to the modest 10.4% drop in Georgia as a whole.

* Ten years later (1991), the residential burglary rate in Kennesaw was still 72% lower than it had been in 1981, before the law was passed.

* Orlando, FL. In 1966-67, the media highly publicized a safety course which taught Orlando women how to use guns. The result: Orlando's rape rate dropped 88% in 1967, whereas the rape rate remained constant in the rest of Florida and the nation.
Now if a BG knows that GG's carry and he may run into one well he's much less likely to commit crime.

Let's look at extremes in a state that allows CC:
A bad guy would not attempt to rob a gun shop during business hours since the possibility of armed citizens is too high. BG's are avoiding areas where there is a good chance of CC'ers.
On the other hand, we have pistol free zones such as church's, post offices, schools, colleges and others. BG's like these areas because they know there won't be armed citizens around to stop them. That's why you see so many shootings in these same areas. If some deranged nutjob has the intent of going out in a blaze of glory and taking as many as he can with him, he will most likely pick a PFZ.

The case for allowing CC is strong and the results in violent crime dropping in areas that adopt it is fact. Bad guys will carry regardless that's a no brainer. Putting guns in the hands of GG's is a very smart move and has proven time and time again to reduce violent crime.

Let me close by saying my comment about you only wanting bad guys to have guns was not fair and I apoligize. No one would want that. But keeping guns from law abiding citizens does just that.
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Old 11-30-2010, 12:21 PM  

green bay, wi
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I was so hoping you were not one of the Stat loving, come up with the stupidest senario, overeacting, logic twisting crazies. But alas,, sadly you are.

It would be a whole lot easier to get stuff passed if people like you shut thier friggen mouth and stayed out of the spotlight.
Because if the people who are going to either vote this up or down only see you and your other nut jobs, it only hurts the cause.
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Old 11-30-2010, 02:44 PM  
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Marquette, MI
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Originally Posted by eelpout View Post
I was so hoping you were not one of the Stat loving, come up with the stupidest senario, overeacting, logic twisting crazies. But alas,, sadly you are.

It would be a whole lot easier to get stuff passed if people like you shut thier friggen mouth and stayed out of the spotlight.
Because if the people who are going to either vote this up or down only see you and your other nut jobs, it only hurts the cause.
Facts are facts plain and simple. There's no overreacting or twisting in my posts. If you really want to look at who twists the facts look at the arguments of the gun control nuts.

The only way to get gov to change is for us to push for it. Educating the public with the truth and stats is important. Doing nothing gets nothing done.

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