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John W. Boone House Rating: None

Missouri Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Columbia Email This Bookmark Print
Constructed during the late 1800s, the John W. Boone House has been the home of the world renowned ragtime composer and pianist, John William ?Blind? Boone. He lived here after it was constructed and until his death in 1927. Afterwards, the house was acquired by someone else and used as a funeral parlor.

The John W. Boone House has been acquired by the City of Columbia in 2000. Plans to restore it weren?t set in motion immediately, but plans are now present when it comes to restoring it. One of the most popular parts of the project is the re-painting of the exteriors, as the house is believed to have a deep red to maroon paint when Boone still lived in it.

In 2009, when news for restoration was already released, including its funding budget and plans, the house was already in serious dilapidation and disrepair.
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