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South Carolina Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Beaufort Email This Bookmark Print
The Cassena is a historic house in Beaufort, South Carolina. It is believed to have been built around the early 1800s, according to some sources that John Blythewood built the house around the time. Around 1862, however, one of his daughters, Margaret R. Bell, testified that she has lived in the property for 20 years before the Civil War, making things rather more confusing.

After the war, the Cassena was acquired by some Bell?s former slaves. It stayed under their ownership until the storm of 1893. In 1898, it was acquired by HT Danner, who rebuilt the house, leaving little evidence of what the former structure looks like. Only one of the numerous Adam-style mantels remains, although most replacements were once again swap back to such recently.
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