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South Carolina Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Beaufort Email This Bookmark Print
The DeTreville House is another late 18th century home in Beaufort, South Carolina. It is believed to have been built around 1785 by Reverend James Graham for wife Sarah Jane Givens. Graham was a Scotsman, born in Scotland who served as a pastor to the Baptist Church of Beaufort.

The DeTreville House was then acquired by the Misses Fanny and the well known poet of her time, Julia Baker. During this period in the 19th century, the house also became known as the Baker House, attributed to Miss Julia who penned the poem, ?Mizpah-God Watch Between Me and Thee.? The work was said to have been popular back in those days.

After the Civil War, the DeTreville House became known as ?The Mission?. It housed Mrs. Rachel C. Mather and the Baptist missionaries who founded the Mather School, which is an educational institution for African Americans.
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