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Fish Haul Plantation Rating: None

South Carolina Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Hilton Head Island Email This Bookmark Print
The Fish Haul Plantation is a very old property in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. It traces its history back to 1717 when Colonel John Barnwell acquired the 500-acre land through grant. By 1740, the property was already owned by Samuel Green. The property stayed in the family for generations, until it was confiscated by the troops who used the property as headquarters.

According to records, it was General Drayton who used the area, along with his men while defending the Hilton Head Island from the Union troops.
Sadly, the Fish Haul Plantation was sold off later on in smaller portions by the descendants of Mary Drayton Pope who bought most of the property after the war. Luckily, some areas remained intact, allowing the Chicora Foundation to study the area, resulting to the publishing of the first archaeological documentation of a slave settlement in the Hilton Head Island.
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