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Pleasant Inn Rating: None

South Carolina Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Myrtle Beach Email This Bookmark Print
Pleasant Inn is a historic building in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Built in 1927, it is significant for its role of providing lodging to permanent residents and boarders, which is not too uncommon during the early days of the resort city?s development and promotion to being a vacation destination.

The Pleasant Inn is also notable for being one of the few surviving examples of the then common two-story guest or boarding houses that was built before the occurrence of Hurricane Hazel which took place in 1954. These structures were also common back in the days, way before the area was populated by high-rise resorts.

Pleasant Inn has always been owned and operated by the same family since it was opened as an Inn in 1929. It was added on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996.
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