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Curt Gowdy State Park Rating: None

Wyoming Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Cheyenne Email This Bookmark Print
Curt Gowdy State Park is a state park and recreational facility located in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Located in Laramie County, it is owned and operated by the State of Wyoming through its State Parks, Historic Sites, and Trails program.

Located on the foothills of the Laramie Mountains, the Curt Gowdy State Park features a variety of flora and fauna on different landscapes separated into seven sections. Access to the park is made relatively easy as it is located between to major interstate highways, namely I-25 and I 80.

Curt Gowdy State Park also features three water reservoirs that are open for fishermen and anglers. They create a good opportunity to catch different species of fish including rainbow trout, kokanee salmon, brown trout, among others.
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