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Dubois Museum Rating: None

Wyoming Attractions / Landmarks / Places > Dubois Email This Bookmark Print
The Dubois Museum preserves and shares the story and history of the Upper Wind River Valley. The museums display highlights the Mountain Shoshone, the first inhabitants of the valley, the scouts that settled in the area in the late 1800?s and the Scandinavian loggers or tie hack which cuts railroad ties for the country?s railroads in the national forests near Dubois.

The Dubois Museums gives a number of free explanatory programs throughout the months of June, July and August sharing about the cultural and national history of the Upper Wind River Valley. Education tours in the Dubois Museum are also available for groups of student and other groups. Different programs and activities can be scheduled from the months of May through October like the driving or hiking field trips to Sheep Eater Indian bighorn sheep traps, teepee rings, buffalo drive lines, petroglyph site and the tie hack ruins.

The museum has 8 historical cabins which interprets the history of settlers in the Upper Wind River Valley. The Dubois Museum also exhibits the Charlie Moore Collection which has over 400 items of authentic furnishings from the CM ranch.
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